I usually steer clear of emotionally charged threads, but feel compelled to respond to this one.
IMHO size is not the underlying issue. Those of us who are overweight are, for the most part, very aware of it. I know I certainly am. We struggle, some more successfully than others, with our weight. Frankly for myself, at this moment in time, physical size is not the most important thing I have to deal with. Neither is it the least important thing.
All this being said, isn't is about time we learn to look beyond the physical. This is a matter of human decency and RESPECT. I for one left the JW's because of judgementalness and others dictating to me how I must look, or dress, or act. I am NOT the sum total of what my body image is. The real me, the core me, lies deep within. That core person is the one I am working to stregthen. I believe once she is stronger, the outside will change.
Case in point, while I was part of the B'org, my hubby had a very severe drinking problem. Being the good little witness I was, I was on his back constantly about it. When I left the JW, I decided to stop bugging him about his drinking. If that was what he really wanted to do with his life, was it really up to me to judge him. The only person I am responsible for is myself and how I live my life. I cannot change another. OK so here I have decided to stop judging his drinking habits. Guess what happened, He quit drinking. I am not saying that we have no problems. We actually have some pretty serious stuff we are dealing with.
What I am saying is that judging others only beats both parties down and leads to more of the same problems. If you (whoever you might be) think I am scum for whatever reason, I may just take on that opinion and prove you true. Or if I have come to a healthy place for myself, I can shrug it off and go about my life. However, I do believe that when we make judgements, the we who make the judgements are always harmed by them.
There have been many arguments and flame wars on this board and I find them upsetting and frustrating. We are all at different places in our recovery from the B'org. Wouldn't it be better to be supportive of one as well as all our fellows in the world community. The world we live in is in enough turmoil without making more.
In the words of Bill & Ted "Be exellent to one another"
Edited by - songmistress on 8 February 2003 15:5:1