Sometimes you just have to walk away , so to speak, Jesika. They just are not ready to hear it , the truth about the WT.
I had a sister , in good standing , call me tonite, she is the one and only one who hasnt shunned me since I d/a.
There was a wedding at the hall today and she called saying she missed me. We talked about her kids , mine, this and that, we talk about twice a month.
She said,,,,,,,," well, I hope you get yourself together and come back to the hall".
Mine you,,,,,, if anyone but this lady would have said this,,,,,,,,all hell would break lose. But with her , I will always love her for what she did for me when my mom passed away. She didnt know my story when I came to her congregation, but she took me literally under her wing, I was just 18 and she is almost old enough to be my mom. So that is why I didnt hang up on her. I know she really does miss me and I know she is only being a JW because it is easy for her and she does it the way she wants to ,,,,,,,,,,,one sunday or two a month and she is fine with that.
Well,,,,,, I told her that I DO have myself together, and I am sure I will NEVER return to the hall. She said,,,,,, she guessed she understood, since her 24 yr old daughter tells her the same thing.
I told her I wasnt sure what truth is ,,,,,but that I know they are not the only ones to have a chance if this world does end. She let it go and so did I and we talked another 20 minutes.
So as long as she understands she cant make me go back to the hall, and I understand she is not ready to hear what I have to say ,, I do,,,,,we will just keep peace for now.
I know it is harder with your Dad, but if he talks to you and shows you he loves you at all, you might have a chance to help him see the light, maybe not now but later.
hugsssssss ,, love ya dede