During Gerrit Loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia. I didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the Bible Students who, when their dates failed, changed Christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
Then it goes right into the JWs, and he reads the quote from Millions Now Living Will Never Die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the Life Everlasting book that predicted 1975. Of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.
It almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the GB 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed Raymond Franz. Still, having all this stuff brought up will surely get some to thinking, as they may have never even heard of 1925 and 1975 before.