"The reception seems to be the draw because ALL witnesses crave a party."
There WAS a reception, but it was family members and invitees (and that was exactly 1) only.
If the rest of that lot thought they were going to get free sandwiches and punch from me, they were sadly mistaken.
The one person that reached out to me for spiritual solace and comfort was the Resident Minister of the hospital.
Such a worthless, dead religion.
Elderly and sick: Out of sight, out of mind
by Captain Schmideo2 18 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Schmideo2
Captain Schmideo2
"Such is life"
It's funny you quote from the book of Job, considering that his so-called friends gave him no comfort at all.
Like your post, which you managed to turn the subject back to your own loss. Well done! -
I am sorry about the loss of your mom and that the ‘friends’ turned out to be a disappointment. It is as you described it: unless you are part of a big clan/extended family, you are forgotten.
At least she had you and that is good. Don’t know if you are active in the religion, but those elderly JWs who have alienated their children are in a terrible predicament.
Yes, they have their nerve $ticking their noses into other people’s business asking questions that don’t concern them!
It all depends who you are . I know an old ‘sister’ who is in hospital right now but she is alert and keeps in touch with them all by her phone. She is friendly, welcoming, has them round and they bring cakes and have a lovely time. She is positive and says the right things . Therefore she is loved with plenty of visits and messages.
Another person though who cannot do these things or perhaps has a less positive spirit if someone sees her ….. will soon be forgotten. There is no culture of social care in dub land, it is all about the Ministry, and you can’t count time for visiting an old sister.
Sad but true.
My mother has been hospitalized a couple of times in the past year. She is an old "pillar" in her small town Congregation. Unlike all the experiences above, I am absolutely shocked by the response from her Cong elders and all of her JW friends. Nearly all of the elders visited on the visit when she was extremely ill and she was in a hospital nearly an hour from home.
More recently, her cell phone died from all the calls on her first day admitted (as she had no charger) and once home, her phone was ringing constantly. Numerous times I was speaking to her and she cut me off because "so-and-so" is calling.
There is one "Brother" in the area who is taking interest in our mother. Now my mother has early signs of Dementia and is the Benefactor of the Estate. This Brother would love to get his hands on the Estate and everything there in. It's a good thing the Villa has a lock gate and this guy just can't come walking in, but he sure tries.
road to nowhere
Contact mom's social worker, caregiver, advocate and maybe a lawyer.
Jewelry ,petty cash, keepsakes can grow legs
Yes, I do believe FOOLEDNOMORE should be aware of this.
So you were pleasantly surprised that your mom got attention? It can go either way. I’m sure the ‘friends’ who showed interest in her are okay.. But I am a suspicious person about people in general (doesn’t matter what religion, etc.) and would take precautions just in case.
My family are not Witnesses and would not be fooled or trusting like some JWs would be. When my grandmother needed attention and strangers (nurses aides and the like) had to come and look in on her, my family was prepared.. Her whole apartment had been gone through beforehand and not one item of value was left there for anybody to pocket!
Sorry if anybody doesn’t like hearing this but that’s the way it is.
No worries, I'm the Executive of the Estate. Any change or money goes out of our accounts needs my approval. I had my mom's control of the estate signed to me.