Judge orders rapist set free D.A., doctors oppose releasing sex predatorPhillip Matier, Andrew Ross, Chronicle Staff Writers Despite objections from the Contra Costa County district attorney, the state Department of Mental Health and even his own doctors, a 32-year-old rapist under treatment at Atascadero State Hospital has been ordered released. Cary Verse -- a twice-convicted violent sexual offender -- is set to be sprung as early as Friday by order of Judge John Minney of Contra Costa Superior Court, perhaps to Martinez. That's where Verse has said he would like to live. "It's our position that he is not ready for release -- it's a public safety issue," Department of Mental Health spokeswoman Nora Romero said Tuesday. If he walks, Verse would be the first person released into community treatment under California's 7-year-old sexually violent predator law. The law allows serial sexual predators to remain locked up as long as two psychologists agree they are a risk to society. And in Verse's case, his doctors at Atascadero -- where he has been hospitalized since his parole 4 1/2 years ago -- argued in court last month that he hadn't completed all the steps required for release. HISTORY OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE Records show that Verse -- who has had a chemical castration implant surgically placed under his skin -- has a history of sexual violence that dates to age 17, when he assaulted a 14-year-old male teammate on his high school track team. After the attack, Verse was confined to a juvenile detention camp in Alameda County, where he attacked again -- this time sexually assaulting a 17- year-old fellow charge. It was the conviction for this attack that landed him a prison sentence of three years and eight months in 1990. According to court records, just a month after he was paroled in February 1992, Verse sexually assaulted another man at a Richmond-area homeless shelter where both were staying. This time, Verse was sentenced to 12 years in prison. He was paroled in August 1998 and sent to Atascadero, where he has remained ever since. Recently, Verse petitioned the court for release to a supervised treatment program in Contra Costa County. On Jan. 24 -- over the objections of both District Attorney Robert Kochly and the state health mental health representatives -- Judge Minney granted the request. The judge cited Verse's chemical castration and said he believed the hospital inmate was ready to complete his treatment as an outpatient. But his doctors at Atascadero saw it differently and argued that Verse needed more therapy behind bars to come to terms with the conflict between his homosexual behavior and his Jehovah's Witness faith that condemned it. RELIGIOUS BELIEF DILEMMA "His religious beliefs are a major part of his support system, and there's a concern that those beliefs don't allow him to act on his sexual orientation, " said Deputy District Attorney Brian Haynes. In the end, one of the factors that persuaded the judge to release Verse appears to have been the testimony of Pismo Beach psychologist Dale Arnold -- who has testified for the prosecution in scores of violent sex offender cases. Just two years ago, Arnold testified against releasing Verse during a routine hearing. This time, however, Arnold testified for the defense, contending that Verse had largely met the criteria he had earlier set forth as conditions for Verse's release -- including chemical castration. As for where he'll wind up, Verse has indicated he would like to be sent close to his church in Martinez. But so far, officials say they're not having an easy time finding any housing -- let alone anyone ready to supervise his community treatment. If treatment and housing aren't lined up, Minney could delay Verse's release until they are. The public defender in Contra Costa County who handled Verse's case wasn't available for comment Tuesday, but an office supervisor, Assistant Public Defender Jack Funk, said he suspects the state simply didn't have a good case for keeping Verse locked up. "The real question is, why should he be kept in custody?" Funk said. "This state and many others have turned the Constitution on its head (by adopting sexual predator laws) and made it impossible to be released after completion of sentencing." And indeed, of the roughly 400 convicted violent sexual offenders hospitalized since California's 1995 predator law took effect, fewer than two dozen have won their freedom -- almost exclusively the result of a judge or jury overturning their original convictions or hospital commitments. HISTORY IN MAKING? Verse, however, would be the first to convince a judge that he's gone through treatment under the law and is ready to return to society. There is no way to say how Verse will handle himself once he is outside, but Kochly said, "All you have to do is look at these people's history to understand the caution everyone is acting with in terms of saying they're ready for release. They can wreak some real damage in the community, and so naturally we're reluctant." Chronicle columnists Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross appear Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays. They can also be heard on KGO Radio on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Phil Matier can be seen regularly on KRON-TV. Got a tip? Call them at (415) 777-8815 or drop them an e-mail at [email protected]. |
Judge & Doctors conflict at release of Rapist
by Matty 23 Replies latest social current
Assistant Public Defender Jack Funk, said he suspects the state simply didn't have a good case for keeping Verse looked up.
His religious beliefs are a major part of his support system...
An Associated Press investigation revealed that California had lost track of at least 33,000 sex offenders.-Kim Curtis, AP writer This was headline news last week in San Francisco.
The Honorable Judge John Minney is out of his funking mind, imo. Is the public to believe that Mr. Verse will be monitored as closely as the 33,000 unaccounted for? This is an outrage. Community safety comes first and no one should be released into community treatment until this problem is fixed-immediately if not sooner!! The predator friendly cult Verse belongs to will send him door to door. What in the hell are they thinking?? It's time for the people to revolt.
The AP article: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=46237&site=3
The predator friendly cult Verse belongs to will send him door to door. What in the hell are they thinking?? It's time for the people to revolt.
What it's time for people to do is contact the media in California and get this pervert on film going to people's doors and cozying up to their kids.
I've finished e-mailing Matier and Ross, the Chronicle's muckrackers with some information and links to the 5th Estate and Dateline show's online videos. Hopefully they'll take a look-see. Their email is listed at the end of Matty's post [email protected] as well as their phone number (415) 777-8815 for anyone interested.
Thanks SevenofNine for being so proactive. I pretty much fell off my chair when I read this story. I guess that he came into "the truth" while at prison, this is very common and prisons are rich recruitment grounds for the Witnesses - telling a parole board that you've "found God" seems to sway quite a few hearings doesn't it?
Cool! Thanks for the email headsup. Another mail will be winging its way shortly!
Unfortuntely, history repeats itself...
No one has commented on the 'chemical castration'....reminiscent of "A Clockwork Orange"...perhaps it renders him unable to have an erection.
There is a biological basis for the crimes he commited. I think that removing that biological stimulus is a sound idea. The question is...how well does it work?
Has anyone heard of this before?
I'd like to read more about it.
Witch Child
Chemical castration might make him less aggressive or impotent in a sexual sense, but rape is not a sexual crime.
Just because he can't get it up doesn't mean he won't attack and use objects to do the penetrating. This is a crime about hate. In this case it seems like the rapist hates himself, his own orientation. He projects that hate onto other males, perhaps those he percieves to be homosexual?
It's a sickening situation. I wouldn't want him living or working near anyone I love.