Judge & Doctors conflict at release of Rapist

by Matty 23 Replies latest social current

  • cellomould

    Hi again Seven,

    Considering that about 0.25% of the U.S. population is incarcerated for violent crime (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance.htm), reflect for a moment on what percentage of the birth rate may represent the offspring of convicted violent criminals or ex-convicts. I would make a reasonable wager that the percentage is disproportionally high.

    Now consider that so many sexually violent crimes go unreported (5 % on college campuses in one study --- http://www.aaets.org/arts/art13.htm ), and even more seldom prosecuted...

    ...do we want to accumulate in our society (one big gene pool) people (or genes) predisposed to violent tendencies?

    The violent nature of our society will get worse if the violent people are the ones reproducing.


  • Matty

    Thanks Seven, cellomould - On first inspection all this would scare a lot of people off, but looking at the facts and the statistics objectively it all makes a lot of sense to me. I hope that officials don't shy away from this issue as it's clear to see that imprisonment as a punishment simply doesn't work as any kind of deterrent for these types of offenders.

  • Seven

    Matty and Cello,

    Deputy DA Haynes has stated on more than one occasion that Cary Verse's "...religious beliefs are a major part of his support system." Okay. Since the state of California's castration legislation has chosen for whatever reason to omit mandatory counseling as a part of the program this leaves the chemically castrated brother Verse without the specialized therapy he needs to combat the urges that has led to nearly half a lifetime of incarseration.

    When Verse walks out the door of Atascadero State Hospital as the first ever to be freed from the state's program for violent sexual predators the JW congregation he will attend and rely upon for support along with the community at large has a right to know his whereabouts and activities at all times. This is not asking too much. Will he go door to door? Will he have access to Jehovah's Witness teenage boys? We know the answer to those questions. It's tragic that those deciding the future of so many people haven't done their homework on the religion Verse has chosen to embrace(his major support system).

  • Seven

    Hey Matty and Cello,

    You may find this entry from an Institute of Psychological Therapies of interest. Take note of the editor's comment re: Dr James Krivacska. http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume11/j11_1_2.htm

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