They seem to have moved toward a don’t ask don’t tell approach these days, or failing that a forgive and forget policy. The only scenario where JWs would tend to get in trouble would be where they take blood, are loud about it, and don’t repent. Having said that, all JW rules are subject to the eccentricities and particular motivations and interpretations of local elders, so unusual outcomes are not impossible.
Will JWs throw you under the bus if you have a transfusion?
by Vanderhoven7 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Will JWs throw you under the bus if
Regardless of how that sentence ends, the answer is generally ‘yes’. -
No. Not even 50 years ago. At most, private reproof. What is hard is how the individual feels believing that others won’t think highly of him.
JW GoneBad
Will JWs throw you under the bus if you have a transfusion?
Does GB Tony Morris have a reputation for being a habitual heavy drinker?
Are Jehovah's Witnesses delustional?
Yes...Yes & Yes!
Beth Sarim
There are always snitchers working in places that could tattle. It never ceases to amaze.
Fisherman : No. Not even 50 years ago. At most, private reproof.
The October 2022 Shepherd the Flock of God manual, Chapter 18 para. 3 (3) says:
If someone willingly accepts a blood transfusion, perhaps because of being under extreme pressure, a committee (not judicial) should obtain the facts and determine the individual's attitude. If he is repentant ... [otherwise] they should announce his disassociation.
As in all matters of "wrongdoing", repentence or the lack of it is key. This is a far cry from being thrown under a bus, but disassociation will follow if there is no repentance.
As in all matters of "wrongdoing", repentence or the lack of it is key.
In all matters such as $exual immorality except bt, most of the time the verdict is unrepentant followed by df. The key in bt is that the sinner doesn’t show defiance or says that wt is wrong about the doctrine, for example. If that is the case then obviously the sinner doesn’t want to be a JW and is disassociated as you pointed out. Other than that, if the sinner says he was afraid or gives some other reason why, admitting his guilt, that is sufficient evidence of repentance to the tribunal . WT won’t test the truthfulness of his words as is the case with other sins. Obviously, a JW will refuse a bt if he can help it but under the pressure of the moment he might give in, so prima facie the case is about weakness and much mercy and compassion and understanding is extended and usually it is the sinner that feels very bad about it. But it the sinner starts carrying on that the wt is wrong or justifies what he did, it becomes clear he is not a JW because JW believe and practice different.
The last disfellowshipping I personally remember for Blood transfusions was in the early 80s. A very sweet elderly couple was disfellowshipped for the husband taking blood and the wife for keeping it secret. They kept them out for years and they died disfellowshipped. Such love...not.