I have been out a good 10+ years and until recently didnt pay much attention to what the jehovahs are up to.
Why have they taken this turn with the bunker videos and making all the brainwashed people like my parents pack a go bag. Now let me just clarify. Im a military man i believe everyone should have an element of preparedness canned goods,bottled water and a bug out bag is a great addition ( ill stop waffling on about that now).
But what concerns me is the fact they are advising elderly people to bug out. I can tell you now, there needs to be a better plan then a bag with a tin foil blanket and a book of elders phone numbers in it to evacuate less abled people to some safe house in another elders basement. The stupidty boils my blood.
And a few points you lovely lot could help with.
I understand PIMO. But how can one be POMI which ive seen mentioned a few times?
Last point. Who are these two kids in the animation i see pop up on youtube?