Dear ExBethelitenowPIMA,
The Bible never says that there was a challenge in Eden.
I may have spent 10 years growing up in the Watchtower religion because I was left under my aunt's control after my parents' divorce, because I was born Jewish. I can read the Scriptures in Hebrew. I became an instructor of world religion after growing up and leaving the Jehovah's Witness religion.
You can't read the Bible unless someone translates it for you from the original language. I can read all of it, both the Hebrew and the Greek texts without a translation. How do you know what an interpretation means if you can't even read the Scriptures without a translation of it?
The Video You Shared, And the Holes It Leaves
The video offered an illustration of a teacher at the head of a classroom. Let's use that.
Let's say a man with a gun runs in and says he's going to shoot the students. Shouldn't the teacher do something, regardless of the challenge that has happened in the classroom?
Let's also say that the teacher clearly is stronger and clearly capable of stopping the gunman from opening fire and shooting the students. But the teacher doesn't do anything. He just turns around and writes on the chalkboard while the gunman opens fire and shoots half the students dead and runs off.
The surviving students cry out for the teacher to help, but instead of offering help or even calling 911, the teacher walks away, gets into his car, and drives off.
That would be weird, no?
But that is basically the way people draw God to be like. In the illustration, God is all-powerful, all-knowing, has the power to stop suffering and hear the cries of people, but does nothing.
Why? Because "it's not time yet"? God has plans to fight a battle of sovereignty first? A bone to pick with an insignificant angel because God's ego was crushed in front of some angels?
What about all those suffering children? What about the injustice of the gunman?
He will reverse it in time you say? But what about everything people are going through now and everything the angels are seeing God allow happening now? Isn't that horrible, what God is allowing to happen? Isn't God like a teacher who just turns his back on innocent kids in a class and lets them get shot down everyday? Doing nothing? Hearing outcries and doing nothing?
Where is the justice in that?
These people who get hurt and get killed or injured for life during such a scene were not there when the "issue of sovereignty" was raised. This "teacher" is playing with life like a madman.
And yet this is the "only thing that makes sense" to you?
A Kingdom Hall just had this happen to them. Innocent people, Jehovah's Witnesses, were shot. Innocent people. Jehovah just was---where?
He was this teacher who, though had the power to stop, to save, to help, didn't, because he has a point to prove with a "nobody," an evil, nothing, imperfect, defective, thing, that in reality doesn't exist in Judaism (Jews don't have a Satan the Devil, only Christians--the Catholics basically made him up), you claim that this is what is happening.
This makes sense to you.
Your own people, getting shot down in cold blood makes sense to you.
I hope you got off your fence and are enjoying the Watchtower now.