Implications of gay marriage ruling

by Rattigan350 175 Replies latest social current

  • Viviane

    Exactly. We should all have disdain for such a shoddy dissent based on personal woo. As least the chief justice was honest enough to admit his dissent was because of fear.

  • Finkelstein
    When conservative Christians justify opposition to gay relations by citing ancient scripture, by the most amazing coincidence they don’t mention the other stuff there. The ancient passages that denounce same-sex relations also denounce eating shellfish and trimming one’s beard. The Christian who says God forbids homosexuality – then shaves before going out for dinner at Red Lobster – is speaking from both sides of his mouth.
  • Junction-Guy
    Those prohibitions were for the nation of Israel--Jesus even said that we can eat those things which were forbidden to the nation of Israel.
  • Viviane
    Jesus said the law would not pass away until he returned. Another case of a Christian passionately defending their bigotry based on what they mistakenly think the Bible says. .
  • Junction-Guy
    Evidently the dietary laws did, because God told peter he could now eat them. Those laws were for the nation of Israel, not the Gentiles.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "Evidently the dietary laws did, because God told peter he could now eat them. Those laws were for the nation of Israel, not the Gentiles."

    Nonetheless Fundamentalist Christians keep referring to the Old Testament such as Leviticus 20:13. Would you correct them when they cite those scriptures?

  • Viviane
    I would be interested in knowing exactly where you imagine Jesus did this, some means either you're wrong or Jesus lied, both things known to be true.
  • Viviane
    That should read "known to have happened before". Unable to edit from my phone.
  • Finkelstein

    What is surprising to me at least is how people in these modern times and knowledge of what is homosexuality intentionally gets disregarded and in its placed embrace the viewpoint of what an ancient civilization thought of what homosexuality is ???

    Of course these expressive viewpoints come from people who aren't homosexual, surprising ???

  • Rattigan350

    You all are hypocrites. You believe that the constitution provides marriage as a human right, because the Court, a small group interpreted that, though marriage is not mentioned in the constitution.

    However, the Bible says to abstain from blood, and another small group interpret that to mean blood transfusions also, but you don't accept that.

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