Rat Again,
WTF did you just type about bood?
Abortion, having the right to ride the same bus or drink from the same water fountain as others whiter than you, disabilities and lots of other things also aren't mentioned in the Constitution, but the SCOTUS has made rulings on them. References to slavery were included in the Constitution as a political necessity to get the S states to ratify, which is why an amendment was required to negate that.
The more you post the more irrational and hateful you show yourself to be.
The SCOTUS exits to ensure fair treatment of all citizens based on the stated and unstated intentions of the Constitution, as interpreted by the men and women who comprise the SCOTUS at any given time (another issue you are struggling with).
The framers could not have possibly included everything that might evolve over the centuries, which the majority opinion stated and which Roberts and the other 3 dissenters CLEARLY UNDERSTAND AS THE REASON THEY HAVE THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.
And replace 'marriage or 'same sex marriage' with 'slavery' and Roberts' dissenting statement would have been as equally valid, which means not valid at all. Roberts' statement: “If same-sex marriage, then polygamy” has to be one of the lamest, most fundie, reactionary statements ever. If, at some time in the future polygamy is A-Ok with US society and the SCOTUS, WTF difference does that make to him or you, other than the need to develop the legal structure to deal with divorces, etc. Polygamy and ss marriage are RELIGIOUS constructs or the constructs of societies long passed that were trying to evolve out of caves and clans.
You need professional help.