Catcat, I have no problem admitting that I might have been wrong in my previous post; in fact, it looks like I might have been. If I was wrong, then I genuinely apologize; I was just saying what I really at the time thought might have been the case.
If you're not the author, then I want you to feel free to come to this site and ask questions and expect to have some of us really try to sincerely answer them.
Right now, I advise you to seek and question; do not just accept what JWs (or anybody) tells you. You have the right to question and challenge. If JWs have the truth, they shouldn't fear such. However, they do fear because of their vast history of failed predictions, doctrinal changes, etc. and their inability to defend their current doctrine and policy and organization. They run from questions and challenges, and that's a sign they're not what they claim to be.