The March 1,2003 Wt. states: "Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts. For example, Jehovah has arranged for 'the faithful and discreet slave' to care for the earthly Kingdom interests.(Matthew 25:45-47) We do not try to go it alone, and we do not ignore that appointment, for we trust Jehovah's arrangement.Further,elders serve in the local Christian congregation and, according to the apostle Paul, are appointed by holy spirit. By cooperating with the elder arrangement in the congregation, we also show that we trust in Jehovah." The March 15, 2003 Wt. states:"Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave. How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! We must be swift about hearing,when Jehovah, the One teaching men knowledge, counsels us through his channel of communication."..................TRANSLATION, PLEASE??????
Demonstrate Trust In Jehovah By Trusting The Faithful Slave & The Elders
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
you will do as we say because you are brainwashed so much that you cannot think straight. We are your reality. We are Jehovah You will think Jehovah, you will breathe Jehovah, you eat Jehovah, you will s*** Jehovah 24/7. Do you understand?
If you a female, you will do everything an elder tells you to do. If you a male, don't listen to a female.
If by chance you wake up (al a The Matrix), you will be flushed down the toilet like Neo (i.e., disfellowshipping).
This Organization can only survive if we can control you. We are very good at what we do; controlling that is, so let US manipulate your every inclination and God will let YOU live for ever.
Please be aware that there is nothing God loves more than a sixty-three year old window washer, riddled with arthritis and relying on his 'wordly' children to pay his medical expenses who thought that he would be washing glass in Paradise by now. He is truly blessed with the more important things in life and can surely rely on the Governing Body to pay for his funeral.
It's true that the organization can only survive if you let them CONTROL you. So why do people allow this to happen to them? Is it because they don't trust their own judgment? Or is it merely a general lack of intelligence?
Making waves WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! If you question the dictates of the Elders, regardless of how moronic that they are, and despite that you are merely keeping in mind the will be ousted because it CANNOT BE TOLERATED!
Sheesh...are these guys for real?
Translation - Don't question the elders or you are bird feed at armageddon.
Hello Minimus, So why do people allow this to happen to them? Is it because they don't trust their own judgment? Or is it merely a general lack of intelligence.
Nothing to do with lack of intelligence I suspect. I know JW's who are at the cutting edge of their professions - scientists, professors, doctors etc. I know many JW's who despite an enviable education are among the most dedicated of WTS apologists. I have known JW company directors give way to nervous babble when answering a simple enough question in the Watchtower study. One of the most puzzling JW's I met was a hardened ex Sergeant Major with the Blackwatch, tough as nails, who had slaughtered people bare-handed during the Suez crisis but shook like a leaf when reading a Bible in front of an audience, an audience incidentally, that he would never have trusted in battle. My own uncle, survivor of the concentration camps, professional racing car driver in the 50’s and fearless businessman began to study with JW’s and shortly after showed his comparatively pathetic nephew a sickly sort of undeserved respect when he heard that he had been appointed as an elder.
I have tried to think this one through many times Minimus and the issue deserves a a thread of its own, but I do believe that those who became JW's as adults almost universally possess an almost defiant gullibility that coupled with a shallow idealism and a desire to belong, combine to produce a very powerful brew which can unhinge even the most logical of thinkers. Those who were raised as JW's had little choice and most vote with their feet when they are in their teens.
I suspect that a lot of anger that we feel toward the WTS is transferred anger. Perhaps we would be far better off looking inward at ourselves and trying to discover what it was about ourselves that allowed us to become such easy WTS fodder and honestly quantify whether we are still vulnerable to the same dangerous syndrome.
As Arthur Lee once sang, "I see your picture…it’s in the same old frame".
Best regards as ever - HS
Hillary, your recipe for being a Jehovah's Witness is dead-on!!!
>>The March 1,2003 Wt. states: "Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts." The Spirit says, "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not lean upon your OWN understanding." Jesus said, "You put faith in God, put faith also in me." (John 14:1). Trusting in God means just that.. trusting in God. God said, "This is my Son, listen to him." If we trust God we will listen only to the Son (Matthew 17:5). >>For example, Jehovah has arranged for 'the faithful and discreet slave' to care for the earthly Kingdom interests.(Matthew 25:45-47) No, Jesus asked a question.. who REALLY is the faithful and discreet slave? >>We do not try to go it alone, and we do not ignore that appointment, for we trust Jehovah's arrangement. Jesus said, "Remain in union with me and I remain in union with you." All we need it Christ, the Comforter, and we are not alone (John 14:26). >>Further,elders serve in the local Christian congregation and, according to the apostle Paul, are appointed by holy spirit. Actually, they are 'appointed' by the Circuit Overseer.. everyone knows that. >>By cooperating with the elder arrangement in the congregation, we also show that we trust in Jehovah." God said, "Cursed is anyone who is putting their trust in earthling man." Jehovah didn't exclude the 'anointed' or the elders when He said this. If anyone puts their faith in the anointed or the elders is CURSED according to holy spirit (Jeremiah 17:5). >>The March 15, 2003 Wt. states:"Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word As stated in Hebrews 1:2, God in these last days has spoken to us by the mouth of a Son (the Word). >>and through his organization, using the publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave. He only speaks througfh a Son, not through anyone nor anything else. No man can come to the Father unless it is through the Son. The Father comes to no one except through his Son (John 14:6). >>How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! Indeed, that is what they have done.. they keep insisting on the organization. We must be swift about hearing,when Jehovah, the One teaching men knowledge, counsels us through his channel of communication." Now if one is swift about 'hearing' they are obviously hearing voices.. yet they believe that "Jehovah" does not talk to us through a voice. The hypocrisy is evident. >>..................TRANSLATION, PLEASE?????? See above. May you have peace! Aaron
through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave.
If we are using Gods word(The Bible) then we don't need what a organization or publications or what a group of sinful humans have to say. Also look what happen to Adam and Eve and US when they partook of someone elses "FOOD".Sorry I'm sticking with the Bible and if the WTS has a problem with that, tell that to Jesus when he comes back!
Also ask the WTS does God REALLY speak to you because from my understanding thats why the Bible was written. I would think if God was really speaking to them there would be some kind of prove like with Moses or Noah God spoke to him etc etc.They have been wrong on so many times/things they are playing a guessing game. I'm sorry but God doesn't play guessing games, it is what it is.God would not do that to us, I know my GOD YHWH and the REAL JESUS.Just venting