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Demonstrate Trust In Jehovah By Trusting The Faithful Slave & The Elders
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
defiant gullibility brilliant description h_s.
TRANSLATION?: " We are the Governing Body. A Cult. Your life as you knew it is over. From this time forward you will service US. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
Clear enough?!
The March 1,2003 Wt. states: "Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts. For example, Jehovah has arranged for 'the faithful and discreet slave' to care for the earthly Kingdom interests.(Matthew 25:45-47) There is no proof provided here connecting the Watchtower organization with the "faithful and discreet slave" let alone scripturally proving what the FDS is. We do not try to go it alone, and we do not ignore that appointment, There is no proof provided here that the WTS/FDS received any appointment from God for we trust Jehovah's arrangement. No scriptural description is provided of God's arrangement. Further,elders serve in the local Christian congregation and, according to the apostle Paul, are appointed by holy spirit. According to Paul but not necessarily God since Paul wrote many things not included in the Bible canon. No scriptural description is provided of what qualifications the holy spirit looks for and how outwardly others would know these ones were selected by the holy spirt. No signs of the gifts of the holy spirit. By cooperating with the elder arrangement in the congregation, we also show that we trust in Jehovah." Once again no proof is provided that the elder arrangement is sanctioned by God through the holy spirit. The March 15, 2003 Wt. states: "Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave. Sound counsel like the presence of Jesus was in 1874, no wait that was 1914. That Armageddon was coming in 1914, no 1920, no 1925, no 1975, no 1984, no 1994. That those awaiting resurrection to heavenly life were resurrected in 1881, no 1918. That the superior authorities are the secular governments, no 1929 Jesus and Jehovah, no 1962, the secular authorities. How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! If anyone had questioned the first of the above good counsel, they would have been labeled as apostates and DF'd. And when the change was finally made, still labeled as being disobedient and not waiting on God. I hope I didn't steal anyone's thunder or repeat someone else's but the WTS/FDS is feeling the heat. God does not command that we obey him. It is his loving personality that draws us to him and his son Jesus Christ. The WTS could take a lesson is using love not fear. Blondie (gone a few days and the whole DB changes. Not nice to do to an older one)
You've hit 'em for six, Blondie! Nice post.
Blondie, you didn't prove ANYTHING! Nice to have you back!!!!!!!!!! Since you were away, I took the liberty of discussing some upcoming articles. I hope you aren't mad at me, Blondie.........I like the simple reasoning of "what did you prove?" The WT. ALWAYS pulls that type of reasoning on unsuspecting people. They build a case on NOTHING.
Another mambo jambo of the WT. They are god's choosen ones...same old crap
Isn't it amazing that in order to trust Jehovah God, you MUST trust in "earthling man to whom no salvation belongs"? You can't even trust GOD without saying you trust the "fakeful and deceit slave" or dumb elders that are just "untrained volunteers".
Hello minimus,
thanks for the raised questions. A true and logical answer would be quite
long, but most of us know already the issue. I do believe that HS, in her
comment made a well written, thought provoking conclusion:
"I suspect that a lot of anger that we feel toward the WTS is transferred anger.
Perhaps we would be far better off looking inward at ourselves and trying
to discover what it was about ourselves that allowed us to become such
easy WTS fodder and honestly quantify whether we are still vulnerable
to the same dangerous syndrome. "
I'm sure that individually we could apply this point...unless we did
it already quite a long time ago.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp