Many believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection …. Yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale. To mention a few:
1) The really superior beings are kept sidelined (
2) The powerful majority subsist at the mercy of a few rich people. In the US many feel it is 99 vs 1%
3) For the last few decades, policies of the wealthy and (all)mighty nations are determined by a few terrorists (how even the President of the sole Super Power should sleep is determined by them—He needs a no-fly zone above his residence even when he visits other countries). ( Travel has become extremely difficult even for the former president of the largest democracy in the world. (