As people have said to me on my particularly vitriolic days.......Don't hold back umby, let us know how you really feel
I'm sick of...
by freemindfade 36 Replies latest jw friends
lol sorry. I'm just feeling impatient and edgy. My normal cool and patient demeanor is absent
as seen here
Here's my advice. Just pray to Jehovah and he will make your paths straight and you'll know what to do.
He did bless my move to Florida.
Lol duh! Where have you been with this excellent advice. Clearly the desert god has looked on me favorably and sent his prophet cappytan to straighten my paths lol -
problemaddict 2
I'm not on the disassociating wagon as some here are. That is a very personal decision. But as a result of not doing that, i have been able to wake up a couple people (they are still working their way out), and my wife it gone with me. I KNOW if I would have DA'd, they would have entrenched themselves and i would not have been able to speak to them. Of course, on the other hand, it is a slow pain. Some friends have "broken up with me" over the course of a couple years. Family doesn't know what to do or has hope. But we communicate. As long as I don't take that away, there in my mind is hope in the opposite direction.
I do however see the appeal of just shaking the etch a sketch and starting over though. I really do.
That being said, something that helped me be able to speak openly with my wife, was her seeing how the brothers treated me (we had a kangaroo court remove me as a servant, question my character, and try to trump up fell flat, but accelerated my fade).
Just kindly refuse their offer to come by. You can do so very kindly and matter of fact. it will be hard because of how irritating it is. Someone offered to come by the other day and here is my word for word response.
"If its for a beer and to watch the game, you are more than welcome to come by. If you are asking for aformal sheperding call, I think I will pass. But consider my invitation on the other thing ok?" **pats on shoulder....changes subject.
Works like a charm!
I didn't disassociate and I didn't try to fade.
I just walked away, refused to speak to anyone and damn the consequences.
They left me alone. And it's just a crapshoot whether they'll leave you alone or pursue you.
But, the only way to "win" is to just not play their game.
Meaning, I'm drawing a boundary right now and refusing to speak to/cooperate with any elders or JWs about my "spirituality."
breakfast of champions
Don't like unannounced visits from pesky elders?
Knock on their door at 6AM or 10PM and ask them a stupid question like if it's going to rain tomorrow.
If they give you any trouble, tell them stop calling unannounced at your house, and you will do the same.
Oh I can see why your edgy & intense, who wouldnt be. This is a terrible situation for you of corse your gonna be angry. Take a breath & say thank-you for your concern brother, however at the moment I wish for you to respect my feelings & not call, I feel you are making it harder for me I feel I need some space. I will let you know if & when this changes. Freemind don't make it harder than it has to be, that's their job, they want it to be hard for you, don't let them have your power making you lose your usual calm demeanour. You can leave (DA) when you are ready to do so. -
What Great Teacher and others have said. In the immortal words of the Lord Humongous, "just walk away"
The only power they have is that which is given to them.
I'm not on the disassociating wagon as some here are. That is a very personal decision. But as a result of not doing that, i have been able to wake up a couple people (they are still working their way out), and my wife it gone with me. I KNOW if I would have DA'd, they would have entrenched themselves and i would not have been able to speak to them. Of course, on the other hand, it is a slow pain. Some friends have "broken up with me" over the course of a couple years. Family doesn't know what to do or has hope. But we communicate. As long as I don't take that away, there in my mind is hope in the opposite direction.
I do however see the appeal of just shaking the etch a sketch and starting over though. I really do.
That being said, something that helped me be able to speak openly with my wife, was her seeing how the brothers treated me (we had a kangaroo court remove me as a servant, question my character, and try to trump up fell flat, but accelerated my fade).
Just kindly refuse their offer to come by. You can do so very kindly and matter of fact. it will be hard because of how irritating it is. Someone offered to come by the other day and here is my word for word response.
"If its for a beer and to watch the game, you are more than welcome to come by. If you are asking for aformal sheperding call, I think I will pass. But consider my invitation on the other thing ok?" **pats on shoulder....changes subject.
Works like a charm!
wow! Your whole post could have been taken straight from my own mind...the experience you quoted and all! Are we the same person??