2 Watchtower rules that I obeyed when I left

by Brummie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    Unfortunately, my ex-wife took most of my WT literature when we divorced. I had an extensive collection, almost every book the WT ever published (sans a few of the rarest, like Comfort For the Jews and The Way to Paradise). She was concerned that I might sell them on eBay. I wouldn't have (except maybe for a few duplicates); I would have maintained them as a research library for the purpose of extracting others from the cult. But she insisted that since she still believed in the organization, she should have the literature. Yeah, right - like she's ever gonna read Studies in the Scriptures! She doesn't even read the current literature unless they're using it in a meeting.

    She did take a few things I wish I still had, for example, she has the only copy of a cassette tape of my first public talk on February 11, 1973, and a tape of Fred Franz speaking at a WT annual meeting on the Keys of the Kingdom (when they introduced the new light about 3 keys instead of 2). I'd like to have those two tapes back, anyway. Everything else, I could live without. Maybe I'll see if my daughter can get them for me...

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