Uncle Bruce

by Farkel 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • alfie

    I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I think UB's momma has skinny legs and that afro hairstyle went out with the Bee Gees and Olivia Newton John. She's from Down Under;no? The whole picture kind of reminds me of a scene in Sleazy Rider, if ewe know what I mean.



  • Solace


    OMG, Laughing so hard right now!

  • Sargon

    LMAO Fark,

    A father's advice:

    Son I told you to ride that hogg.... into town and go to the brothel.

  • plmkrzy
    Uncle Bruce is nearly as crazy

    So what exactly IS near fornacating with sheep?...on a bike? ;)

    LMAO! Funny Pic!

  • unclebruce

    legal? .. is that all you blokes think about? geez you yanks must have lawyers hidden in haystacks 'n places where a farkel wouldn't go..


    ps: where i come from sheep shov'ns compulsory! .. well, for ministerial servants and elders and suchs ..:p .. move over darl'n i can't see the keys .. ah...sigh [:)]

  • unclebruce

    Hey Stephanus you're right.

    Old man saltbush doen't grow within a thousand cooee's of here but I am a ridgy didge South Australian and don't you forget it!! (the memories this photo floods back are bringing tears to my eyes .. ah those were the days .. search'n for lost sheep up the oodnadatta track .. did i ever tell ya about the time a horse ate my magazine bag leviticus an all?

    uncle 'outback pioneer'n' bruce

  • Farkel


    : did i ever tell ya about the time a horse ate my magazine bag leviticus an all?

    Shit. Leviticus and the Song of Solomon were the only parts of the Bible that got me all worked up and got the old hormones raging. The rest of the Bible destroyed every hormone I ever had.

    Did I ever tell you the story about me having to read Leviticus Chapters 13-16 in the Ministry School when I was only 14 years of age? This was DEFINITELY child abuse. After reading those verses, I could have very well turned to sheep for comfort, as the Bible made women look so disgusting that sheep would look like a better alternative.

    As always, this is all "Bible Based." Tell those doubters that that was a REAL postcard you sent me, and that I'm not lying about it, Unc. With your permission, I would like to scan the rest of it and post it. The whole damn thing is so hilarious, I've become permanately incontinent over it.


  • unclebruce

    g'day brother farkelstein,

    of course thats a real postcard from down under, backward of beyond and six degrees south .. .. geez i'd recognise the seat of that comfortable purring beast anywhere .. and the motorbike too. [:p]

    one thing about mr.farkel folks - he ain't no liar! a horrible, mean, nasty son of a clueless watchtower drone who bullshits now and then maybe.. but hey, that describes most of us here (except simon) [:)]

    post anything i send ya bro. Did you get my genuine (stick-taped) Watchtower Bible and Tract Society copyrighted postcard?

    hope so ..

    all the best .. would you like a hug with that? (thought not :)

  • unclebruce

    Hey lonewolf,

    glad you got my card .. phew, looks like the mails gett'n through lol.

    cheers bro.

    ps: anyone else want a genuine poscard from the backend of the world? I'll be posting my new [u]perminant[/u] email address soon so just tell me where you live and i'll send you a free, custom made watchtower approved postcard.


    Hmm...this is the way to go!

    I dare say, sheep seem to be more easily placated than goats; having looked after both critters in my early youth.

    That was funny Farkel & UncleBruce. Now if you could just snag a platypus on there, then you'd be all set.

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