I agree with Anders, Sowhatnow and Justme.
If you are still associating stop going but talk to your wife about it first. The same for field service. You can say that you feel like a fraud and don't want to stumble anyone especially her.
If she asks you why you feel that way........ use the pedophile issue as there is non apostate reporting on line and no one can fault you on this.
What the Australian Royal Commission shows in the Societies own documents and testimony is that there was and still is little protection for JW children who were and/or...... still being abused. A lack of reporting, children having to face the pedophile, the two witness rule, the crime not revealed to the congregation or the authorities. And worse the Society has no interest in improving their politices:
Here's what a Governing Body JW said who testified:
- The Witnesses’ full rebuttal.
- The Australian commission’s findings.
- How the religion shields sex abusers in the United States.
- The story of how it kicked one alleged victim out of the religion.