I grew up in the religion and was baptized at.............supposedly the most important day in our lives and I cannot remember how old I actually was, anyways...... I believe it was 13 or 14. I was never disfellowshipped. I have a "worldly" boyfriend whom I love dearly, and I no longer attend the "meetings". I do not disagree with the organization entirely; in fact I am not even sure if I disagree with it at all. I was very involved in the congregation from the time I was 12 years old to about 18. Then I slowly but surly began to shy away. Now I am really confused. I know I have no intention of going back any time soon but I wonder if and when I marry and have children if I will change my mind. I am not on this cite looking for people to talk me out of or into going back, I just do not have any friends that can understand completely the things that weigh on my mind. I am hoping to make new acquaintances or friends that can relate to me.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope to hear from you soon.