Is everyone on this Web Board a Jehovah's Witness Basher?

by sandy 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    OK Everyone sing along with me. To the tune of the Wheel of Fortune song.

    " I'm a Wheel Watcher Witness Basher, I'm a Witness Basher.....come bash with me "

    Hey....they do it to us...why not !

  • pr_capone

    Welcome to the forum sandy!!!

  • JT

    Welcome and all I have to say is:

    READ READ READ as much as you can and always remember:

    " I had rather have questions I can't answer than Questions I can't Ask--(or answers I can't Question)

    Author Unknown


  • Vivamus

    In response to your remark that you are a bit scared to visit the site. I know the feeling, I had the same thing. I visited the site around November 2001, I was having doubts about the organization, and I remember finding this site. I also remember having a eery feeling the entire time while I was browsing through the posts, like someone was watching me, and I kept expecting to be tapped on the shoulder by and elder asking me what I was doing.....

    I didn't came back here till June, well after I was DF and fully convinced the organization was in the wrong and a danger to the people I loved [mum and my now deceased grandma were JW's still] and I signed up.

    Stick around Sandy, there's a lot to be learned and discovered here.

  • Farkel

    : If you look carefully, you will realize their is a large separation, a powerful dichotomy, between the DOCTRINES and LAWS and REGULATIONS which we bash, and the Witnesses who are ruled by said doctrines.

    Absolutely brilliant. My hat is off to you!


    Guest 77,

    I am writing Simon about what I know about you or someone very much like you now. Have a nice day.

  • jesussaves

    Sandy & Eppie

    Both of you are telling MY story! I too am a third gen x-jw. I'm not a witness basher, however I don't believe in their teachings at all anymore. I got in trouble with a witness guy when I was twenty-one. I did the slow fade after my committee meeting, because the whole thing was unfair (he got privately reproved, I was publicly reproved). I met a non-jw man and got pregnant by him. We're married now, and have been for almost four years. I decided that I wasn't through with God, even though I knew I could never go back to the JWs, but that may not be for you. It took me years to get to where I am, though. My entire family are JWs and they know that I attend church regularly. Most of them have just accepted that I'm not coming back. Welcome to the site. Do some research and read Crisis of Conscience. It'll help.


  • Eppie

    Dear Tiffany,

    Thanks for telling your story! I love this site seriously, it has provided me with lots of information already. Currently I am reading a book about Jehovahs witnesses, and will most definitely read the book everyone is recommending here! I already ordered it and awaiting it in anticipation now!

    I think we can all learn alot from each other here, and Sandy, I hope you will remain on this board as it consists of people that really care and may be a bit frustrated and upset but they have every right to be! I know that you are still in the organisation more or less and there has been a time that I was there also but I feel so free now that I can't even imagine going back, remember that God necessarily equals JW. You can also be a good person with god in your heart (i do not believe anymore but you most definitely can) outside of the organisation. I have so many 'worldly' friends and truly they are often more loyal and dedicated and loving than any JW I have met. Please respect the people on this board, they have interesting stories to tell. And we will most definitely respect you and will try to help you when possible.

    I am sorry that I haven't emailed you yet but I have a very huge exam of 4000 pages of medical biology next week and am spending all time i have in the library. As soon as I have more time I would love to email with you as I do think we are in the same place or at least you are in a place I have been for a long time.

    I hope you will work things out and that you will find the true path that will lead to happiness in your life,


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