Well with pioneers hours reduced to 50 hrs now their really stepping up their game.
Door-to-Door Work - Most Inneffective Work of the 21st Century
by Black Man 52 Replies latest jw friends
What bothers me most is that a new term was introduced at the latest District Convention: "Doorstep Bible Study". Translation (according to me): Even if you are never invited in; as long as you talk to someone for a few minutes on a regular basis, wham! bang! you've got yo 'self a bible study! Using this method, I guaran-ass-tee that this will surely inflate the number of BS (Bible Studies) conducted. I predict that there will be a substantial "increase" of Bible Studies over the next few months (at least).
Notice that the above was posted on Stilla's thread in '03, if I read the date correctly. Believe it or not, I also heard this idea touted way way back in the late 60s. Schroeder of Bethel was a big proponent of it. Let's just face it - if the people don't even want to let you in their house, it is not a bible study. Wonder how long this idiotic idea lasted, after the sunshine-pump the above poster mentions? An extremely valuable point to remember - the utter futility of this so-called harvesting work. If this is the best you get from planting and harvesting (their actual number of door-to-door converts), then we would all still be hunter/gatherers out of simple necessity.
i think that door to door is the most effective way to get into someones house and indoctrinate them. i dont look at it like they say it is a preaching work. its not. i dont think you can indoctrinate over the tv, etc. thats why they will never change.