Latest Leaked BOE letter to Elders Oct. 4th

by Watchtower-Free 135 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Shunning is Huge!! I would be gone, like YESTERDAY, if it wasn't for shunning. I'm not worried about me, I don't want to break my mothers heart. She would be crushed. The F***ING cult knows the shun-gun works.

    I can't wait until their Pedo-record catches up with them!! I hope the governments tax these frauds out of existence, if the courts don't bleed them dry first!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wow, thanks for posting this!

    "If something is working, don't mess with it." This clearly indicates that the meetings, magazines, and publications aren't "working".

    Cutting the ragazines in half again? It must not be making any revenue for the Corp and most of the sheeple probably aren't reading them. After they reduced the frequency to monthly, then reduced the number of pages in each by half, did that fix those problems? Nope. Will this halving of the production improve revenue and readership? Nope. Next step will be to cut the size in half again to Readers Digest sized pages. I really don't think they qualify to be called "magazines" as it is. They should be called minizines or tractazines.

    Time to change up the midweek meeting? Looks like an attempt to try to get the sheeples excited about the changes. They're just slapping a fresh coat of paint on the Titanic.

  • bradford

    The R&F will think:

    We don't need the ministry school because soon the end will be here and there wont be a need for ministry. We need to live as Christians now to make sure we survive Armageddon.

  • Dissonant15
    What the crap kind of pseudo-Disney type meeting names are those? "Gems" & "Treasures"? What is this, Veggie-Tales, JW edition? And no more personal Bible highlights comments. You are all dumb little drones who can't think & we own your children.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    On the issues of the magazines does anyone know if they still produce the bound volumes?
  • Richard_I

    these changes are crap, if i was mentally in still i bet i would be upset. old timers won't like all these changes i bet.

    also very surprising the od book will be available online now, never thought that would happen but there ya go.

    just wish the sunday talk and watchtower study was reduced to like an hour at most altogether, can't stand listening to a guys bullshit for 30 mins and more bullshit for another hour after that.

  • pepperheart
    Oh dear i think my hamster is going to be very upset with the watchtower and awake going bimonthly AND being undated they will bolding onto the magazines like goldbars on the trolleys lol
  • Sabin
    The devil makes work for idle hands, now the JDub`s have something new to concentrate on & talk about it will take their minds off the apostate web sites & child abuse cases. That's why they have done it, well that's what I think.
  • pepperheart
    If both the watchtower and awake are going to be undated then they dont need to order as many each month and keep on using the old stock, so they could have mags on the trolleys for years just like they do now with the books,they still have on the trolleys now books that were printed in 2006
  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I am interested in the reports that the WTS is introducing massive reductions across the board – including publishing, meetings, and building. While I welcome these reports, I would like make several observations.

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society experienced its death 100 years ago, when one of its founders and second President, Charles Taze Russell died in 1916. In the aftermath, using physical and legal force, Joseph Rutherford laid claim as the new owner of the Society. The Society split into innumerable parts, while Rutherford introduced sweeping changes to his organisation, dropping virtually everything that the organisation had stood for under Russell.

    Following Rutherford’s death, Fred Franz held the doctrinal reins, again introducing sweeping changes and reinterpretations of Rutherford’s teachings. The Society has not found a replacement for these minds, and its publications slowly slipped into mediocracy, and it is more concerned with organisational structure and absolute loyalty. Along the way, it too continually introduced changes.

    In more recent times, the Society is slugged by the www and by massive financial payments to victims of sexual abuse by its servants. Such factors are draining it financially and morally.

    Possible scenarios lie ahead, but one possibility is that the WTS could, given its penchant for fanciful pesher interpretations of Scripture, use an amended eschatology to argue that the downturn shows that the preaching work has been done and this is the very last phase before the very last moment.

    I am concerned at the personal level. Many here can testify to the long, slow mental struggle they experienced as they moved away from the WTS’s mental grip. Imagine the widespread trauma should the WTS cease suddenly. Imagine the impact on loved ones. Imagine the impact on those who lost loved ones because of the sacrificial no-blood policy. Maybe the impacts lie beyond the imagination to grasp.

    Perhaps history of 100 years ago would be repeated, and many JWs would move to one or other of Russell’s splinter descendants.

    Perhaps the WTS’s reinvention of itself will satisfy those who are so brainwashed that they will follow it no matter what the Society tells them.


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