Neuroscience is amazing! Yes, the default network, the insula, all of this also relates to our beliefs and habits as well, including belief in God.
I know this is random, but neuroscience, Buddhism and linguistics helped me wiggle away from the WTS. Language, like anything else, evolves, and affects our perception and behavior as it does. If you don't have a word for "sour", then how does it taste? If you're told that God is in Heaven but listens to everyone's prayers in all languages, even in silence, that he cares if you cuss even if you really don't mind the word and the word has evolved over so many centuries, that God is unchanging while everything else evolves, at some point you have to wonder what this god is. You then realize there are no spirit creatures or gods to fear. You realize that if your physical brain was injured, you might not be the same you. If someone were to look inside your head, they'd see no "you" there. You realize a paradox, that you are the autonomous you, but there is no real you. You realize that you live in this world too, that there are perhaps multiple "yous" as your relationships differ with different people and circumstances, and that the "you" that matters most will be in pictures, memories, mementos, triumphs, failures, your actions and effects in the world.
I realized I am part of the world. And then I went to work proving the WTS was bullshit for myself.