I tried meditation about 50 years ago to try probe my mind but since gave up around the age 17. But as a child of the 60s (born 1953 so 7 to 17) I did my share of psychedelics and wound up in the JWs at 19 under the spell of the WT programing formerly a Catholic.
My journey toward enlightenment was interrupted from 1971 to around 2000 a total of 29 years. My awakening from the coma inducing propaganda of the WT has caused me to resume my search and looking for the easiest way to follow my what seems to be an obsession of finding some type sense to what I am and what mind is which is quite natural since I live in it 24 hours a day (never ending journey).
Ego death is from what I gather shutting down the Default Mode Network ie no more sense of the self or us:
The Default Mode Network predominates the brain and from what I gather is the source of mental construction self and other(separation). What happens when it shuts down and one experiences oneness? Does a different reality emerge with a higher processing power of the brain a result with more neurons firing in different patterns(a good thing) while not under control of the restrictive DFN. Is that a moment of clarity full of insights?