Hi Everyone! I'm homeless now!

by Yizuman 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Hello everyone, posting from the library a few doors down from the homeless shelter called The Good News Ministry on the West Side of Indianapolis where I am now staying. I just arrived there yesterday afternoon where my bro-in-law dropped me off.

    My first night's sleep wasn't exactly eventful since there is no beds available and I have to sleep on the Pews which my body doesn't exactly agree with hard wood and no cushion on it. So I didn't sleep very well.

    I just took a few bags of clothes and a suit for me to wear for future job interviews. Plus personal hygene stuff.

    I'm not too thrilled to be here but at least I have a warm place to stay and have food to eat.

    My first priority now is to find a job so I can save up money to find me a new place to stay. I hope to find someplace to stay back in Noblesville where I can be close to my sister and her family.

    I'm taking all this pretty hard right now and it's not helping my depression at all.

    All of my stuff is being packed by my family and will be stored in a storage facility and my car has been towed where it will stay at the auto shop until I find a place of my own and have money to get my car fixed.

    Anyway, I just thought I let everyone know what's going on and let you all know I'm ok so far. Just hope I don't get shot or stabbed around here.

    Anyway, here's my email addy in case anyone wants to write to me, [email protected]

    Also if anyone wants to send me a snail mail, here it is..

    Neal R. Scott
    Good News Ministries
    2716 E. Washington Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46201-4102

    Hope I find a new place to stay somewhere soon.

    Take care all!

    Neal (aka Yizuman)

  • Yizuman

    Slow day I gather


  • Satanus

    When you get a bed, set the legs inside if your shoes. This will keep them from walking off by themselves while you are sleeping, if you know what i mean.

    Being in a situation like that has a way of making everything really simple. If you focus on something, you can get it. All you gotta do is hang in there.


  • Preston

    I'm sorry things have turned out this way for you Neal. My uncle was homeless and in a wheelchair, and lived on the other side of the map. We had to travel to where he lived to help him out.Currently he's staying at a YMCA in New York an his health is deteriorating.

    BTW, Don't take the fact that nobody's been posting to you this morning to be a sign that anyone's ignoring you We all like to sleep in noe that our weekends our free from going to the kingdom hall at 9 in the morning.... I'm sorry you can't enjoy your morning the same way...

  • Seven

    Hey Neal,

    It's good to hear you have three hots and a cot(or pew). I realize you may find it difficult to think positive under the circumstances but try and do what you can to help out around the shelter. It will make you feel better and make the days pass quicker until you find work.

    I volunteer at a soup kitchen where I met a man in a situation much like yours. He always helps with clean up and has an encouraging word for the other residents. I commented once to him how nice it was to see him smiling. He said, I cried because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet. I asked where that quote came from. He said he got it from Rosanne Rosannadanna on Saturday Night Live. We both ROTFL. So best wishes to you Neal and don't let a day go by without a smile. Things are going to turn around for you.


  • gumby

    Attitude dude ...attitude!

    Get your attitude right, get a job and hustle your ass off. You don't need to stay in your situation.

    I wish the best for you dude.

    Gumby.............( did I spell attitude correct? )

  • Francois

    I wonder if you know how you ended up in this situation? If you do, perhaps it will help you avoid it in future. I also wonder if it's related to having no education as a result of being a JW?

    Having gotten my life very simple once, I was horrified to learn that it's just as hard to keep it simple. Now is a good time to read Thoreau's "Walden."


  • Yizuman

    I'll do my best to keep my attitude up and hope I land a job fast and save up for a new place somewhere.

    Thanks for the kind replies, guess I forgot mornings are slow in replies since I've been away for a while from this forum.

    Got my resume done and saved to disk and will distrubute as many as I can. Thing is I dunno about the buses here and where they all go and what business there are near here for me to go to, so I need to get as much info as I can about the nearby work places I can apply for. Wish me luck.

    Later all, guess I'll be back Monday to post more soon.

    *HUGS ALL*


  • Sadie5

    I've been watching your posts and praying for you. This is tough times for many. It helps when you are going through hard times to picture what you'll do when things get better. Everything in life is temporary, the bad and the good. Also it sometimes helps when you realize you hit rock bottom, can only get better from there. Also think about what you need, right this second, a place to sleep, a meal and realize you have that right now. Then put your thoughts and efforts into bettering yourself, it might come slow, but hang in there.


  • CoonDawg

    Hey, Yiz...

    I know how depressing things can be and how they can all seem to close in upon you. Attitude is a big part. Right now, though my situation is nowhere as near as desperate as yours, I know what it means to be having a hard time finding employment. It's a real blow to anyone. It's good to hear that you are getting the basics of shelter, and rest assured that many of us have either been in your shoes or are close to someone who is or has been. Myself, I always try to be supportive of those in dire straits and help support the groups that help them. My sister (older) has been homeless before in a distant part of the country, and I was unalbe to assist her in any real practical way. I am ever greatful for places like the Salvation Army and the church shelters, and feel the necessity to try to repay some of their kindness. I think that this time in your life can serve to make you a very compassionate individual. Just remember that someone (or a lot of someones) are doing a good turn to you. When you are on your feet and things are better for you, don't forget that. Pass it on to someone else. "Pay it Forward" if you will.

    My thoughts are with you, and Noblesville is a nice town. I use to go there almost every Monday morning.


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