Opaque!...exjw reflection on mental battle of leaving WT

by Brummie 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlowerPower

    Great Poem Brummie, Try as I might have never been able to capture those feelings, though they scream at me continuously, you've got it going on there girl!! Nice job! Flower

  • pettygrudger

    Beautiful poem Brummie - I'm printing it off & keeping it (if you don't mind)!

    In fact, with your permission, I'd like to share it with another board - its a beautiful poem and I think will touch many!

  • Brummie

    Thanks flower, I doubt I could capture those feelings now, they seem so far away in the history of leaving the JWs. It was theraputic to write down these things while leaving, I look back and see these words as depressing now but posted it because I knew some people here would be coping with these things !

    you've got it going on there girl!!

    Brummie (of the male species...lol)

  • Brummie

    Gee Petty thanks, do what you like with it, I didnt see your post until I posted the other one.

  • jgnat

    I really like that poem, Brummie.

    JGnat (From the rhyming challenged class).

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