I have a few issues which have already been addressed so I'll just touch on them slightly.
Firstly the issue of lots two daughters:
These two girls were apparently virgins. Well I'm not an expert on the subject but I do believe that it's a little hard to imagine that two virgins of that day and time who had never had sex with a man before - had the knowledge of when they would be ovulating in order for their impregnations to take place - were ovulating at the exact same time of the month or had the sexual expertise to not only arouse their father to erection (ever heard of drinkers droop) when he was catatonically drunk enough to not realise he was having sex with his own daughters but did it two nights running or perhaps they didn't have hangovers then?
They literally would have had to climb on top of their drunk unconscious father and assuming the man could hold an erection long enough to do the deed, they would have had to use considerable force to break their hymen so penetration could occur. A pretty amazing feat for two virgins to accomplish two nights running don't you think?
Also the imagination really would have to be stretched somewhat to imagine that they would flee a city with such haste that they leave anything behind that they didn't need for their imediate survival and yet they are able to carry enough alcohol to get their father pickled two nights running. Even if they took a donkey to carry what belongings they could, surely they wouldn't waste valuable space on that poor donkey to carry Daddy's booze.
The picture I've always seen in this little example of "Righteous Lot and his two daughters" is not as it is painted to appear. What I see is an Alcoholic father who's level of protection over his daughters is such that he'd offer them up to be raped by a pack of men who are trying to bang down his door to rape his visitors who he'd never met before that night. The girls had been raised in a city whereby deviant sex seemed to be the way of life. The expertise it would have taken to get their father to the point of ejaculation certainly does not indicate pure and innocent virgins sorry.
I could go on about a few things but I'll finish off with just one other item of annoyance.
The scriptural reference is that of 2 Kings 2:24
Elisha had just freshly been appointed as the one to take over the duties of Elija. He performs a miricle or two and then meets up with a number of small children who decide to jeer and taunt him with the words "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!"
This prophet of God uses his God given powers to "call down evil upon them, in the name of God. Then two she-bears came out from the woods and went tearing to pieces forty-two children."
Now my understanding has always been that "God" has always tried to distance himself from evil things. James 1:13 points to this quite clearly. Yet it would appear that he will not only allow his chosen prophets to call down evil in his name upon a number of small children, he sanctified the evil when the two she-bears answered the call to evil and ripped 42 children into pieces.
How is it possible to teach our children not to retaliate when taunted at school etc if Gods chosen prophet unleashes Gods power to such an evil degree as is stated in this Biblical example?
Finally: I agree entirely with the viewpoint that the Bible does not bring any kind of honor or respect to women. They have been treated no better than cattle and in fact in many instances cattle are valued and treated better than most of the women in Biblical examples.