Why Not Just Let It Go?

by ikhandi 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Scooby, do you think that you fit in here? Do you think that what you refer to as "the pack mentality" applies to you? I get the distinct impression that you feel that if you don't "fit in here", people will come down on you------yes, I think YOU feel this way. Once again, I'd like to know what your role is here? Is it to be the "outsider"? Is it to get others that may be lurking to think positively about the organization? You don't sound like a person that is merely inactive. You've got too much at stake, that you're not telling us,imo. If you want to support the organization, why are you here?

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    brummie: your final thought ... so true, so sad


  • CoonDawg

    Ikhandie & Scooby....

    I am glad that you two are so happy in your dubdom. Personally, pretty much ALL of my dealings with the elders that according to the WT are "appointed by Jehovah's Holy Spirit" and thus are the instruments of god, have been nothing short of hell.

    I have a 9 year old daughter who lost her innocence at the tender age of 6 by one of your "brothers"...guess what...even after all the dateline and Panorama publicity...these brainiac elders and the society-who you seem to hold in such esteem- decided that it was better to disregard the law and not report my daughter's abuse to the authority. Yep, I already have done so since then...but I am angry and have every right to be so. Ikhandie...if I could let it go...I would. I felt I was on the edge of reaching a breakthrough in that very vein before my world and the world was shattered by my only child revealing to me the abuse that was suffered at the hands of a "christian." Also...I have made my feelings known to HQ. Believe me, they've grown tired of speaking to me on the telephone. From now forward, the matter is in the hands of the lawyers.

    "Let it go" you say? Honestly, would YOU? Get over it? Is that the advice you give a little girl who will never be the same? You are fools for thinking that this is stuff to be easily put behind.



    Well said CoonDawg.

  • Francois

    Well, do you think you've gotten your question answered? I think you have.

    Perhaps before you post another question from your mountain-top retreat you'll stop projecting yourself into the lives of other people. There are plenty of reasons not to let it all "go". Mainly these have to do with loved ones still held in the clutches of that vile organization; others have to do with wanting justice for abuse suffered at the hands of this cult.

    Oh, and btw, some of us do not believe that jehovah is anything but a man-made myth born in the desert five thousand years ago and who has no relationship to the real God who lives and rules the universe of univeses.

    Nice to hear from you. Do write again.


  • JT

    Scobby fits in nicely in fact he is where many of us were a few years back, - some concerns about the org, but still deeply believing that god is using them

    for those of us who have been around we all know that scobby only has 3 choices

    1. reconized he has been hoodwinked and bamboobled by the wt like the rest of us

    2. start to think that we are affecting his spirituality and leave , heading right back to the WT Sales Meetings and material

    3. Stick around and try to put up a hard fight to defend wt like "You KNow" and others

    but hey man welcome , for we actually need folks like you on the site

    for almost 7yrs i have been helping nonjw to see how a jw defends wt despite all the facts and proof provided and believe me so many nonjw are shocked to see just how the mind of a jw actually works when confronted with info that calls into question the jw religion

    so thanks scobby we could not do it with out you


  • AlanF

    The reason that many morally outraged ex-JWs will not "let it go" is epitomized by the poster Hillary_Step ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/47490/672351/post.ashx#672351 ):

    "My wrath is firmly aimed at the leaders of the WTS, the Governing Body and the few dozen soft-skinned men who keep the system afloat. An inner circle who are responsible for the deaths, financial ruin, and cynical manipulation of the emotions of millions of innocent people. ( yes, innocent JW's - for that is how I view most of them ). I also personally know many people whose lives have been saved by the WTS. This has occurred not by its doctrines - the truly dangerous part of the WTS - but by many individual JW’s who make up the congregations, some of whom have shown sincere generosity and love for people and do so while victimized by a structure that saps them of their inner peace."

    The following is said of Jesus in Matthew:

    "On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd."

    Do you think that the action the Bible says was precipitated by Jesus' words ought to be different from the action that ought to be taken as a result of expressions such as Hillary_Step's?



    ScoobySnax the inactive dub..To the WBTS,an inactive dub isn`t worth the the dirt on the bottem an active dubs shoe..Your not an active dub,your not an ex dub..Recognized by no one,considered a dead man by WBTS standards..LOL!...OUTLAW

  • Farkel

    : Why Not Just Let It Go?


    :I am fairly new to this board, but have been lurking for awhile before I decided to become a registered member.

    Therefore, you know nothing.

    : I have read many posts old and new and can't help but wonder why many of you just don't let it go?

    So......your argument is: "just let the evil of the Watchtower continue, and let them destroy human beings and families, and be so selfish that you should just be concerned about dealing only with your own lives?"

    : Some of you have expressed bitterness and disgust over what the wts has done to you.

    Of course, if you've read the collective writings of Joseph Franklin Rutherford, you would find that he devoted his LIFE to expressing bitterness and disgust with his 18 month imprisonment for writing seditious LIES about the US Government. He even invented several "prophecies" to justify his rage. In particular, I'm talking about the 1918, 1919 "prophecies" of JFR, which are still WTS doctrine to this very day. JFR was a JW dictator who was more consumed with HATE than any ex-dub I've ever known.

    Ex-dubs don't generally invent "prophecies" to justify their hate. Rutherford did, and he started and entirely new pet Cult as a result.

    : Others make fun of jw's and their cause.

    Well, it IS a big joke, you know.

    : Many make insensitve comments about Jehovah and his son Jesus.

    They are both jokes, too. One is a killer Nazi God who is very insecure and the other was invented by religious fanatics. In fact, they were BOTH invented by religious fantatics. If you think you can prove differently, then by all means show your evidence.

    : There have been many who have been on this board for awhile and continue to do all things I have mentioned above.

    Please include me in that good company.

    : Will there ever come a time where you will say I have had enough with the bashing, I am moving on with my life. How can you call yourself free when you spend so much time talking about your life as a jw? Why not let that part of your life go forever?

    When will dubs stop bashing everything that they disagree with: other religions, political governments which protect their freedom to spread their hate, other people who don't share their religious views, and those who've simply decided to leave their faith?


    I will bash that stupid religion until it cleans up the sewer it lives in, and you cannot do a damn thing about it.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    ikhand, some can and some cannot, it's gotta do with TIME. Think of the times in school when your teacher asked a question, did ALL hands go up at the same TIME to answer her question. We are all learn and heal at different times. Have you ever given thought to allow others their time? Isn't there a time for every affair under the sun? I have moved on with my life but I still have to contend with negative memories, and, I do my best to extract the good out of the bad. As to letting go the org., yes, I don't allow their influence control me. It takes time to heal, it will be longer for those who have bitterness and contempt, if ever.

    Guest 77

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