Why Not Just Let It Go?

by ikhandi 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Navigator


    There are quite a few of us who have come to the same conclusion the tdogg and Francois have. The Jehovah of the WT does not exist! That is not the same as saying God does not exist.


    Some of us can't let it go because we still live with it every day because of loved ones still in.

  • teenyuck
    Ikhandi....... what a thoughtful post for once!.....

    Scooby, you need to go for a walk and poop on someone's lawn....since you and Ikhandi are shitting on people's feelings here, why not make it real?

  • JT

    Outlaw you are COLD BLOODIED MAN

    ScoobySnax the inactive dub..To the WBTS,an inactive dub isn`t worth the the dirt on the bottem an active dubs shoe..Your not an active dub,your not an ex dub..Recognized by no one,considered a dead man by WBTS standards..LOL!...OUTLAW

    WHAT you have said is sad , but TRUE- it is an interesting position a person like scobby finds himself in, as a former elder i recall how so many CO and elders felt about folks like scobby esp if this poster is male, in the org due to it being position driven, a male who holds no titles is a flunky allow me to give you an example from the PR man JR Brown himself:

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01

    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church, said But he said:"

    "because of the church's structure, the fact that such a member, if male, who would have fewer rights in the congregation, would not be serving in a leadership role would alert members that "he obviously lacks spiritual maturity."

    so wt states that if a male member holds no position,even - Mike carrier, literature man, parking lot attendant- is an indication TO ALL MEMBERS IN THE HALL THAT THIS FELLOW LACK SPIRITULITY-

    SO like i said Scobby serves a vital role by being here and for that we thank him

  • rocketman

    I'd love to let it go. But when you have elders calling at your door (5 times now in the past three months), a family member who occasionally asks you whether you still attend (I do, just Sunday talks every now and then), you kind of find it hard to let go, because others just won't let you.

  • detective

    I am forever grateful that some people choose to NOT let it go. If they had, I might not have learned some really valuable information that I can now share with others about this destructive group. We're lucky to have misfits, rebels, intellectuals and non-conformists who challenge and inform. Information vs. Silence? You're kidding, right?

  • LovesDubs

    I will let it go when: The WTBTS prints ONE ARTICLE saying something nice about somebody else's religion without following it with"...but they will be destroyed along with all OTHER false religions at the hands of JEHOVAH! And only WE WE WE will survive! Because WE WE WE are the only religion! And WE WE WE alone speak for JEHOVAH! And only WE WE WE are heard in prayer by God! And only WE WE WE understand the Bible! And only WE WE WE are allowed to be judge jury and executioners of other people! And only WE WE WE are allowed to speak about God because only WE WE WE are "qualified" to do so according to US US US!" AD NAUSEUM

    I will let it go when: The JWs say something nice about the world and time we live in...say...that we have made huge medical advances, that we are learning to clean up our water and air, that we actually DO have loving people in the world who arent Jehovahs Witnesses~! and that those people are the MAJORITY and that the JWS are NOT the only people on the planet who "have a world wide loving brotherhood"...which could just as well have been what the NAZIs said about themselves...forced uniformity is NOT unity.

    I will let it go when: The SOCIETY says that they were wrong...wrong about all those FAILED prophecies that cost people lives, homes, children, businesses...wrong about there being millions of Christians on the planet BESIDES their haughty selfrighteous SELVES, and that if a person decides to leave their HAUGHTY HALLOWED HALLS and pursuit their RIGHT to worship in another building with like minded Christians...they will NOT lose their families and be publicly humiliated and shunned for doing so!

    The Wrathtrowel Sickciety would love nothing better than for its ex members to go silently into the night and allow them to continue to f*ck over their flocks and ex flock members...we will continue to drag their sorry self centered self righteous worthless wrinkled a$$e$ into the light, so that no one will be sucked in again. Read the literature....they RUE the day when they could no longer STONE APOSTATES TO DEATH! Yeah...lets all just forget how much they have "just let it go" when it comes to all of US!

  • DanTheMan

    Good points Lovesdubs.

    However, the Awake! or another publication occasionally will give reluctant praise to persons outside the WT who are trying to make the world a better place.

    This is one thing that I found so confusing when I was a JW. How they could praise somebody outside the organization, but ultimately if you are a true-believing JW, you have to believe that that very same person is doomed to be killed by God if they are still alive when the big A hits.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Why not just let it go?

    The Old Testatment is full of stories of God criticizing the Israelites. He did this for centuries. Why didn't he "just let it go"? Why didn't God just "move on" right away? Jesus spent 3 years criticizing the Israelites. That's longer than anyone on this board. Why didn't he "just let it go"? The apostles Paul, Peter and John wrote numerous letters to the Christians over a period of decades criticizing their behavior. Why didn't they "just let it go"?

    Sometimes behavior is so outrageous and just plain wrong, it needs to be pointed out. And when that behavior doesn't change, the person/organization needs to be criticized for not making the effort to change. Also, a basic part of the human mind is when trauma is experienced, one must, indeed impelled, to talk about the experience. It is healing. It helps to reach out to other people. That is one of the most tremendous aspects of the human psyche. At a basic level, we need other people to talk with and help sort of damaged feelings and personalities. To find fault with that is not only dysfunctional but it also works against basic human nature. I believe God doesn't build crap. He built the mind to function in this way and I think he did a damn good job.

    If your question is an innocent one, asking for information that is one thing. But my question also applies to Scooby, who I think is guilty of the same thing he is criticizing the people on this board for. He's made his feelings known again and again.

    So Scooby, why not just let it go? You've let everyone here know time and again you don't agree with "the pack mentality". If you feel that WTBS is above criticism then make your case. I was born in Missouri, so show me. Tell me how WTBS shouldn't be criticzed for shielding pedophiles whilst attacking their child victims. Tell me why they shouldn't be laughed at for their asinine predictions which have been wrong again and again. Give me reasons for not being angry with WTBS' pack mentality when they mercilessly grill a woman who has been raped and humiliate her over what sort of underwear she was wearing.

    I've only begun to scratch the surface of their faults. The people who come here have been hurt, badly, and we all need to talk about it. This is a discussion board and we are here to discuss. What the Witnesses have done, and are doing, is wrong; it wrong today, it will be wrong tomorrow. It will be eternally wrong.

  • ThiChi

    Brother I am free and I did "let it go" I feel that I am now bound by a moral duty to speak truth to anyone who will listen. Jws make their faith public, even going from door to door. So, I too, use a public forum to address their misconceptions and to point out "there is another way." I believe that there is information current and former Jws have a right to know, but are not allowed to know.

  • Deleted

    My turn. This is how I let it go. I try to make posts for any one concerned or interested to see how deceiptful the WTS, by referring to their own words. I think most JW's I knew were very fine people. I am concerned for them, even most elders. On the other hand I believe that those in responsible positions are Evil when they cover up lies. I don't think that is overstating it.

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