My ex-student's letter of disassociation

by Titanic 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Titanic

    Hi all,

    Here is the letter of disassociation of one who was "my best" student when serving the borg. We studied together for more than 2 years. She got baptized and was doing pioneering hours slaving the borg.Since my disassociation she has been scrutinizing the borg and she has been out for a while.Now she is keen to disassociate herself from this cult.

    So, here is her letter, and I hope that it can serve as an example for those who think about doing the same.

    1 March 2003

    To the Halswell Congregation Elders

    Matthew 18:3 says, “Unless you turn around and become as young
    children, you will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens.”

    The most common question a child asks is “WHY?”

    Does our God Jehovah condemn us for asking WHY?

    · The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society supported the United Nations
    for over 10 years as an associate Non Governmental Organization (NGO)
    but tried to minimize their relationship with the United Nations by
    stating they were only library card holders.
    The requirement for an associate NGO is to disseminate UN information
    to their members to build support for the UN and to regularly report
    back to the UN. They must publicize UN activities around the world,
    promote UN observances and undertake to support the work of the
    United Nations and promote knowledge of its principles and activities.
    In its publications the WBTS has clearly referred to the UN as the
    ‘scarlet coloured beast’ of Revelation, the ‘disgusting thing’ of
    Daniel, the enemy of God and therefore Christians should have nothing
    to do with it, yet the WBTS promotes and supports UN activities in
    their publications.

    · Regularly featured in the Watchtower publications and other society
    literature are satanic subliminal pictures. WHY?

    · Molestation cases are covered up then people are disfellowshipped
    because they speak out about it. Yet the Watchtower Bible & Tract
    Society is quick to expose the Catholic Church for sexual abuse. WHY?

    There are many other issues too numerous to mention but would you
    care enough or bother to research any of the information? And if
    not, WHY NOT?

    Our Creator views us as little children and this child is still
    asking WHY?

    If something, someone or an organization can’t stand being questioned
    then it needs to be questioned.

    If the WBTS is as transparent as it claims then it will stand up to
    any amount of questioning and will welcome the questions rather than
    warning questioners to keep quiet or be disfellowshipped.

    I am ashamed to have been associated with such a corrupt organization
    that misleads its followers and am therefore pleased to disassociate
    myself from it.

    Rebecca Witana

  • TR

    I love it.


  • freedom96

    Great letter.

    The more people leave well written letters such as this, perhaps some elders will stop to ponder. You never know. And the example that we show towards those still in will at some point help them escape from this cult too. They will not listen if we act rash, full of hatred. But if we calmly point out the problems like this letter has done, perhaps it will help those who read it think one day.

  • ScoobySnax

    They love it!!!! Slow clap.............

  • myself

    Awesome letter Titanic, thank you for sharing it with us. I really never had anyone that I helped into that organization, if I did I would be excited about such a letter, showing that they saw them for what they were. In their own terms, that is a letter that would make me feel I was no longer "bloodguilty"

  • Dansk

    Great letter! Tell Rebecca 'CONGRATULATIONS!'

    She's gone from this:

    To this:

    A truly 'GREAT CROWD' - tell her to join the forum!

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome Titanic, Good letter. Very clean and to the point. Questioning can be very educational. That's how Socrates taught. On another note, I can't help but ask: do you ever have a sinking feeling? JamesT

  • benext

    The only thing I'd add is: This letter is to be read in its entirety at the next Service Meeting.

  • Mary

    Benext there's a better chance of Armageddon coming tomorrow, than this letter being read out at the next meeting!!! I really hope the elders who received this letter pondered over it......

  • happyout

    Titanic - your former student is a a great author and communicator. This was a great letter, and I can't wait until the day my family is all out, and I can send a letter like this.

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