That is the best opening sentence I've seen.
My ex-student's letter of disassociation
by Titanic 21 Replies latest jw friends
I have been in-active for the last 4 years. I am questioning everything. I really do not know how to start my research. Please Help.
I have this knot in my stomach, I feel like I am turning by back on Jehovah by rejecting or just questioning this organization.
This person's DA Letter is making me think:
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society supported the United Nations
for over 10 years as an associate Non Governmental Organization (NGO)
but tried to minimize their relationship with the United Nations by
stating they were only library card holders.In its publications the WBTS has clearly referred to the UN as the
‘scarlet coloured beast’ of Revelation, the ‘disgusting thing’ of
Daniel, the enemy of God and therefore Christians should have nothing
to do with it, yet the WBTS promotes and supports UN activities in
their publications.Why would the society compromise such strong beliefs just to use the UN Library? Are there not any other libraries in New York?
Thanks so much for posting your friend's letter.
It's good to hear of some-one who has got the principles to stand up to mere men.
After six months of waiting for replies to our questions, (UN Paedophilia, False Prophecies etc.) and not one phone call from any elders during that period, we (myself and husband Kaytee) have now decided to take the "bull by the horns" and write our letter of disassociation, but will definately not be using the word "disassociation". We cannot see the association with the word "disfellowshipping" although the Org. try to link these two words as one and the same.
Some of the points in your friend's letter, will be very useful, and we will be borrowing them !
Our close friends have just been disassociated by the judicial committee - IN THEIR ABSENCE !!! they were not even informed before the statement was read out in the KH - we fully expect to be the next ones, after they receive our letter, but we are going to make sure that our letter reaches others before reaching the elders :) Then at least many people will know the true reasons for our absence.
Great letter overall (excellent writing style), though I would have left out the thing about subliminal messages, since I know of no proof of this.
Sandy, a short answer to your question is probably the most simple answer; namely that the belief about the U.N. isn't that important (a la the blood issue). I don't doubt that, despite their severe dillusions, the GB really thinks that they do represent god, so if they thought the UN really was the tool of Satan, they wouldn't have been associated with it (hint: the whole foundation upon which the "UN is evil" thing is built upon is not really bible based, unless you take an a priori stance to believe anything the Society says).
By joining up with the U.N., the Society was attempting to seem more "normal" to the world. As you may or may not know, in some foreign countries, various governments are starting to crack down on religions that are viewed as cults, and the JW's fall under said rubric for several obvious reasons. By being a UN NGO, the Watchtower was hoping that countries like France would "give them a break" so to speak, by showing the countries that they were "mainstream" and did participated in things that helped others. The Society has also engaged in several interfaith conferences as well, most likely for the above mentioned reasons. Just do a quick search on this site; type in "United Nations", or "NGO" and see what comes up, several former threads have addressed this topic exhaustively.
Great letter. I like the one's that are short, stick to a theme, and make a nice point without getting bogged down in extra detail. (like my own posts).
I agree that I wouldn't have included the subliminal stuff, because I was one of the artists and I knew the other artists, and if anything, we started watching out more carefully for these problems like moire patterns and uncontrollable "dot" pattern muddiness, and couldn't always predict how the ink was going to print. Clouds and foliage are full of these things even in photographs, much more with our printing methods. (We didn't see our proofs on Watchtower paper, before the artwork was approved, it was either approved from film "proofs" or higher quality paper.) With all the things the Society did wrong, it embarrasses me that so many people think this was a real problem. Although I wouldn't put it past David T. to push the envelope here (just kidding, David....)
Our worst offenses (not mine, of course) were copying ideas from liquor ads and obscure little ads from Reader's Digest, many of which have never been caught yet.
Hi all,
Thank u all for your kind comments.I'm glad that the letter has helped some of you.
To crownboy and Gamliel, it is obvious to me that you have not really seen the so many obvious subliminal images and symbols found in the WT publications.I do suggest that you do some researsh on the subject ,you will be surprised.Start by reading the book "Jehovah's Witnesses & the hour of darkness". If you need more examples let me know. I have no doubt whatsoever that the artwork in the WTS include many images and symbols that are occultic & satanic.In the book mentioned above you will see how experts confirm the above.
You asked about the UN stuff. The biggest problem with this issue is the hypocrisy. They could have had the library access (and did have the library access) without joining as an NGO. But worse than that, the Watchtower had already criticized other religions for their fellowship with the "Beast," when the fellowship of those other religions was also limited to joining as an NGO.
I've heard some people say that it was just Ciro A u l i c i n o's idea to make it easier to get access. Well, even if this is true, it shows a real hypocrisy. I couldn't call Ciro a close friend of mine, but we knew each other, and we knew a few things about what each of us believed that was a bit different from the "orthodox." Ciro is someone who has spoken to me even after I DA'd and my announcement strongly implied apostasy. Actually I think Ciro would still talk to me. I've seen him in book stores from Pennsylvania and New York, and he has talked to me, but it's been quite a while. What I'm getting at is that I don't think he believes like most Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to believe. L y m a n S w i n g l e doesn't either. And neither does even Albert S c h r o e d e r although he'd never let on. etc etc etc.
The last person who sounded like he really believed all the beast and prophecy and 1919 stuff (from his head, heart and kidneys [inside joke]) was Fred Franz. Ciro wouldn't have had a problem with the UN stuff, because I doubt he believes it. I wouldn't have said some of this stuff even a couple years ago, out of fear of hurting him personally. I've done writing research for S c h r o e d e r before and had felt a kind of obligation to protect them. But they are getting old, and I no longer believe them sincere enough to deserve protection. They make people suffer through the Isaiah book, but I think they are at a point again like they were in 1981 where upwards of half the Writing Department didn't believe in 1919. They just don't have a two-thirds majority in the GB to change it. More likely, they do hava a two-thirds majority, but some members of the GB are unwilling to admit it out of "respect" to the older (dying) ones who they think are dyed-in-the-Lamb true believers. The other problem is that too much unravels at once when they give up on 1914/1919. The League of Nations/United Nations theory even goes back to those same old arguments about when and why the beast became more active in those days.