I really would like to know why such ones post on a anti-JW site. Is it for recognition? To match wits with "apostates"? To see if they can learn a different perspective? What???
Why Do Watchtower Sympathizers Post Here?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Those who defend the Watchtower at 100% are only here to confront and make trouble. They usually just post once or twice and retreat. They can't win. The odds are against them.
Maybe some weaker ones want to see both sides of the story, and come here to see if their doubts are echoed by others also.
I wonder about these "inactive" ones, too. I never knew a zealous for the "truth' inactive one, yet they seem to appear here. Gee, I wonder how old Fred Hall's doing.
I suppose some just post here coz they like to be included in a "Minimus question post".....of course I don't speak for others.......
Scooby, I'll ask you this question (again) , WHY DO YOU POST HERE? Can you give me a sincere answer, not a sarcastic one? Are you here to create a little controversy? If you are, that's not something that we've never seen before. If you don't feel comfortable answering the question, then I won't ask you again.
I only post here coz I love u Minimus........controversy for controversies sake excluded....thats why I post here. You know I'm getting paranoid here that I'm starting to bother you, surely you wouldn't like me to feel that way, I'm sure in the back of your questioning mind you like me being here. ain't that the truth?!!
Big Tex
I can appreciate being trapped between two worlds Scooby. I left in 1989; my wife didn't until 2002. I let her raise the children as Witnesses. So many times I was torn. I didn't like them learning that nonsense but I didn't have anything to replace it with. It took the Witnesses' own natural cruelty before my wife finally had enough.
The only problem I have with you is when you are so gleeful about someone posting something "positive" about Jehovah's Witnesses. I submit that you are sending out contradictory signals. I think you should pick one and be honest and consistent:
1. defend Jehovah's Witnesses and their teachings
2. bash Jehovah's Witnesses and their teachings
3. admit your doubts about the organization and its teachings honestly, meaning sometimes you agree with criticism (where your conscience allows) and disagreeing where you don't. If you don't agree with the criticism then tell us why or don't post anything in the thread.Just my thought
If I speak I can condemned. If I stay silent I am damned. -- Jean Valjean, Les Miserables
BigTex......Thanks for your understanding. I'm sure you've been through many feelings. I fail to understand why you're concerned when I appear "gleeful" about any pro-JW posts that are submitted, like me you must admit they are few and far between here. I suppose in my heart of hearts something in me still clicks with such posts, much like something clicks with the majority of people here when posts that are un-favourable and disparging of the JWs here are aired, its a 2 way thing I think. I don't think on an open forum, I have anything to prove or disprove, I think as an open forum I can say what I think, if that means not getting into doctrinal disputes with ex-jws or not standing around deleriously clapping anyone about attending the memorial with the aim to disrupt it, and in the same breath getting damned for it, then I'm happy. But you are right about one thing, no I won't engage anyone here on a doctrinal or GB issue, most have made their mind up, I won't try to convince them otherwise, and I say good luck to them and their chosen path. I will still however keep an open mind here on this board, and for the mean time, I will post on this board when I feel I want to, and say just what I want..... thats a healthy thing, its something you all say is after all.
Watchtower sympathizers post here because THEY CAN. It's open to all. Some are outright supporters of the organization. Others are more clandestine. They might appear to disagree with the Society but in reality they switch and bait. Some call these types trolls. Those of us that post have the ability to educate those that lurk on this board. The contribution could be to help the lurker see the right or the wrong of the organization. Obviously, a pro-Witness will try to let lurkers and apostates see that they are speakers of the truth. So far, I haven't seen a pro-Witness make a very good defense of the religion. What I typically see is a person that will never address an issue. Or I see the "Fred Hall" types that just try to come back with a lame one-liner. Why do such ones violate what the "faithful and discreet slave class" says??? I tend to think that they are not really serious in their beliefs.They might even think that reading this "spiritual pornography" will never affect them. but the "slave" has said otherwise. Of course, some rebellious ones actually believe they know better than the "slave". Such ones, lurkers, are not following what the Watchtower says. BEWARE of them!!!
Room 215
Minimus, I see you've answered your own question: JWs post here because they CAN. For these, it can be cathartic/therapeutic, etc. to vent their frustrations, seek resolution of nagging questions, learn that they're not unique in their misgivings and that many feel as they do--- all under cloak of anonymity. There simply is no other forum for JWs without risking exposure and all that implies for their relationships with JW family and friends.