New Light - God chose the Bible students as his org long BEFORE the official inspection in 1919

by doubtfull1799 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    What does everyone think of how the video presents Rutherford and how he was "appointed" as president "by the brothers".

    Can anyone explain his shenanigans as I've never quite understood exactly what he did that was devious, in order to gain control of WTBTS.

    Also, what part did Russell wife Maria play in his writing ? I understood she was on the original board of directors.

  • doubtfull1799

    Good point @jwleaks - I'd forgotten that quote. Seems it was not new light after all, just old light recycled again!!!

  • doubtfull1799

    @Diogenesister - that is a complicated question. I would recommend the book "The 4 presidents of the Watchtower society" by Edmund Gruss for further reading on that subject.

    As far as Maria goes, according to her testimony at the (divorce/separation?) trial with Charles - also documented in the above book - she played a huge part in writing the books that bear his name.

  • Finkelstein

    Notice that the GB member in this video side steps away from stating the false doctrines the WTS publishing house made under C T Russell. ie Pyramidology

    The IBSAs were doing just about what every other Christian based religious organization were doing such as celebrating Christmas , birthdays, etc but they were being lured into the publishing organization by false teachings.

    What one can see though is the WTS leaders such as J Rutherford used self supporting propaganda (1919) to make his own bible interpretations valid and to discredit other Christian based faiths.

  • stuckinarut2

    The saddest thing is that the current generation of witnesses has had their orgnasation's history white washed. They now THINK they know the FACTS about the origins of their faith group, but have instead been force fed some adapted and distorted version.

    Shame on you GB! Shame! So much for "speaking the Truth"

  • Finkelstein

    Good point Stuckinarut2

    Most JWS today probably dont know anything about C T Russell's involvement with Pyramidology used to date 1914.

    The WTS's are devious corrupt men to be sure, they know what information to use as self supporting propaganda.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    26:20 - "... from the very beginning it was agreed there would never be any begging or petitioning for money.''

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    "...the work would always be advanced through voluntary donations."

  • Finkelstein

    "...the work would always be advanced through voluntary donations."

    Bullshit, the Watchtower Corporation had a set mark up on all of its published goods. ie. magazines, books, cassettes, DVDs etc.

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