What does it take to live forever?
The VERY thing that the WTBTS and its false prophets have spent DECADES convincing you that it doesn't...
John 5:51-53, 56
And THIS... (may you all have peace!)... is the VERY purpose for which they exist: to "remove"... the "constant feature" (daily sacrifice)... and by doing so, "mislead, IF POSSIBLE... EVEN THE CHOSEN ONES!"
And from most of the comments seen here (and from those inside as well as outside the Borg who consider(ed) themselves among "the great crowd"... versus sons of God taken out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people... who join WITH 144,000 from "among the sons of Israel" to form ONE flock, ONE kingly priesthood who "render sacred service in the temple")... they are doing their "father's" will... quite well.
Matthew 24:24 John 8:37-47 John 6:48-56 Revelation 5:9,10; 7:4, 9, 15
May the one that has ears to hear... HEAR... what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:
"Come! Take "life's water"... FREE!"
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and ALL those who "go with" them, and a slave of Christ,