TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS "Handling Cases of Drug Abuse" September 1, 2018

by Not_Culty 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    So a medical prescription can make you lose your status, but Pedo Elders can be reappointed??

    You can’t make this stuff up...

    DD 🤪

  • ttdtt

    I am addicted to Food Water and Air.

    Can 2 brothers handle that, or is it a full on judicial matter?

  • Incognito

    ttdtt, a Judicial Committee is now being assembled as we speak.

  • pale.emperor

    You just know that this letter has been written because someone on the GB is on the ganj for pain management.

    The wording of the letter was very careful and deliberate - they didn't say "medical procedures are a conscience matter" because that would checkmate them when it comes to blood.

    Anyway, bethel is going to have a sudden influx of glaucoma sufferers I think.

  • Not_Culty
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    You just know that this letter has been written because someone on the GB is on the ganj for pain management. - pale.emperor

    My bet's on Lett.

  • recluse
    so for the people in the states. what if you live in a state that medical use is illegal, and get a prescription in a legal state and bring it back. how will they handle that?
  • Virgochik

    What if a medical doctor prescribes a blood transfusion?

  • StephaneLaliberte
    if a Christian abused an addictive drug or smoked cigarettes on one or two occasions and the matter is not widely known.

    So, you're a JW and develop a drug addiction. You go confess to the elders. I can't see any scenario in which a drug addict will get the help he needs from the JW. They will dis fellowship him thereby, handing over the responsibility of helping the individual to the "world controlled by Satan".

    How can they not see how far they are from being christian truely puzzles me.

  • karter

    Looks like Prince would have been D.fed

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