It's a real letter.
TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS "Handling Cases of Drug Abuse" September 1, 2018
by Not_Culty 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Could someone send me the pdf of the letter? I just want to confirm its authenticity... -
Thanks for your quote. I never said cigars don't have a risk for your health. I was talking about being addictive or not. Inhaling cigarette smoke with all its added chemicals and of course its nicotine, is de facto addictive.
Long-filler cigars, Cubans, Dominicans, etc, are practicaly organic, they don't have added chemicals that cigarette manufacturers do put in their stuff. That and the fact you don't inhale the smoke of a good cigar (and I am not talking about the few dollar rubbish cigar they sell at the petrol stations) makes it not addictive.
And therefor, which was my point, it would be interesting see a committee handling a judicial case where someone would be involved in smoking cigars.
If that committee of window-cleaners would use the risk for health as an argument, then what about drinking whiskey, cognac, rum, eating sugar, sweets for your kids, full of chemicals?
the other argument the society uses is that the smoke is harmful to others. That is a non argument. Then don't drive a car, use a horse or a bike. Don't use air-planes. Etc etc...
So... can anyone provide me with a link or pdf of this letter? I'd love to see it!
It seems the only higher education the GB members of the WTS approve of is getting a law degree so you might be used by themselves.
Boys and girls or brothers and sisters have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer in an effort to support are organization when needed ?
What a fine way to show your devotion to Jehovah and his chosen earthly agreement !
Elders handling cases of drug abuse....hmmm what could go wrong...
Hilarious; the brain trust says that your 'exemplary' status might be endangered by use of marijuana based medicines, while saying nothing about Vicodin, Oxycontin, etc, dangerous drugs that are addictive.
Are they the most ignorant men to ever lead a group of so many?
joey jojo
Addictive drug used under medical supervision is ok if it's an opioid, but bad, or questionable if it is cannabis?
This is simply the org reflecting the bad reputation cannabis has in the community and has nothing to do with direction from god, or medically supported research.
Like everything else, they are making it all up as they go.
I bet the GB & Co. probably don't know, or are ignoring, that the Israelites, and later the Jews burned Cannabis on the Altar of the Temple so as to get the worshippers to feel an experience they would ascribe as coming from Jehovah.
What you will never see or hear from the G.B. &Co :
"So on the basis of this clear Scriptural principle brothers, we have decided not to proscribe the smoking of Cannabis in the Kingdom Hall during times of Worship".