anything that gets jobos to wake up and get out of the watchtower corporation is good. I have no axe to grind with Lloyd. His style is 'catch wasp with honey not vinegar'. No axe to grind with Kim and Mikey. Their style is shouty shouty jesus bible. Not my thing but entertaining to watch. No axe to grind with whatever works. Each individual in the jobos is different and responds accordingly.
Personally, I'm not one to crash Kingdom halls. It reminds me of the protesters outside a$$emb£ies, back in the 70's, we thought they were bonkers.
I'm not one to shout about Jesus or take scriptures out of context (jobo stylee), to 'prove' the corporation wrong. I wince when I see folk using the bible as if the watchtower is even remotely prophesied in it's remit. You know, like those goat herders and magic mushroom eaters saw the corporation in vision. Not my style. Oh, no, no, no.
My strategy is ironic humour. It probably doesn't work on anyone but hey ho.If I get one person to wake up it'll have been worth it. At least I can unwitness. Not that non jobos are remotely interested.....................
Rant over.