15 - 20 leave from congregation in North East of England

by dozy 55 Replies latest members private

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    OK... I give up.... what is "MR T"????

  • Researchedandenlightened
  • Sail Away
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Haha! Thanks researchandenlightened & Sail Away, I get it!

    I knew about "Mr. T" of the "A-Team", (but I guess I thought that UK didn't watch it, haha, and maybe it was a WT term, OMG!) I use to watch this TV show, but I guess I just could not connect the cryptic dots....

    So..... there was an elder who was part of the A-Team, a "Mr-T" kind of guy that is leaving, right? Did I get it?

  • AverageJoe1

    That was just my bizarre Northern British humour ChaChing!

    The OP mentioned the A-Team and I immediately thought of Mr T (who funnily enough was on British TV adverts for Marathon Snickers bars).

    As a side note I was never allowed to watch it as a kid at home so I used to watch it at a friend’s house, despite my explaining that the A-Team never actually managed to kill anyone!

  • Angel of the north
    Angel of the north

    John Cedars has put on his you tube channel the apostasy talk from the congregation involved .

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Haha! Didn't we all AverageJoe1 !!??!! Love British humor!

  • sparrowdown

    World's craziest fool religions part 1.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    It's good news week and contagions have to start somewhere, why not in Geordie land! Let's hope more and more PIMOs become POMOs.

  • GoneAwol

    Just learned that the talk has also been given in another nearby congregation. To me, this sounds like the org are trying to clamp down on ‘the gangrene’ spreading.

    Yeah, right! Its just more jibba jabba....

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