Rattigan... you seriously need to get laid or something.
Does the Governing Body already know that Jehovah (the name) came from Babylon the Great?
by Chevelle 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
stan livedeath
as ive said on here numerous times YHWH should be read from right to left...HWHY
so the americanised version of gods holy name should really be pronounced HUWEE.
But what really grinds my gears is shortened jehovah to JAH or --even worse--JEH.
Of course I don't know how God's name should be pronounced - and neither does anyone else for that matter. From a 20,000 ft view, maybe it doesn't matter. If it did, I would expect that God had 1400 pages to make it clear - but he refrained. I drew the conclusion that he is not insecure and does not care as long as we don't profane his name.
I could be completely wrong. Like the GB, I am fallible. (That's where the comparison ends)
Beth Sarim
The hilarious, but accepted weasel sentence:
""Therefore, we can assume that correct name is 'Jehovah' because it says so in the Bible and it's the most widely accepted".
And there it is folks,,,it says in the Bible, so slam dunk. It has to be true. And we can 'assume' it is. Put your doubts and questions to bed. ROFL
Beth Sarim
The GB and the Witnesses promote and accept a name contrived by a Catholic monk.
It's just beyond ironic. It's appalling
Disillusioned JW
Beth Sarim, the WT Society includes the text of the Aid to Bible Understanding in the WT's online library.
Disillusioned JW
ThomasMore, the fact the Biblical Hebrew name of God is excluded in so many translations of the Bible (despite the Hebrew Scriptures stressing the importance of that name) is one the reasons why I ceased believing in the existence of the biblical god. That is because surely if that God/god really existed he would seen to it that his name would have been preserved in the translations and that knowledge of the correct pronunciation of it would been preserved.
Beth Sarim
The Borg includes the text to Aid to Bible Understanding.
I thought the Borg didn't make it possible to reference certain older material.
@ Rattigan
It matters because most of what Jehovah’s witnesses hail to the high heaven as good and proper for worship originate from the same source they term demonic and devilish meant to be ruined based on Jehovah’s wrath 😂😂😂
Beth Sarim
Its always the Borg having it both ways