2017 Convention Video To Be Shown Regarding The 1975 Failure
by pale.emperor 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
LoisLane looking for Superman
Half a century ago, doesn't seem so long ago to me. The late 1960's, if you were not pioneering, you were considered to be not a very spiritual person (by WT standards).
We were told we had to attend all 5 meetings per week. Just as we needed all 5 fingers of our hand, we needed these soul sucking, mind controlled meetings (leave your brains at the door). Do not question. Do not go to college. Really even trade school was not encouraged. You basically had to be a regular pioneer at 100 hours per month or 1200 per year or the lesser vacation pioneering at "only" 75 hours per month or you were looked down on. It was really bad if you got married and started popping out kids.
Selling WT's little blue book for 25 cents, called The Truth book, garnered many home Bible studies with lonely, naive, humble people. The Vietnam War was on. People had moved around, were in new neighborhoods and didn't know anyone. Go to the Kingdom Hall and get love bombed. Many took the bait. Many were baptized. They were told they would never die??? And millions of people believe that??? OK. Where do I sign up???
Because we were told the end was nigh, many JDubs did reckless things, like sell their home to "go pioneering". Some took out their retirement savings from work and went on some great vacations. Many people figured out how much money they would need until the end of '75. Their lives in the years that followed were not nice. A lot of poverty. Because many ended up poor, and maybe did not hand out any green handshakes, they no longer were invited on stage at their circuit assemblys because as the years, decades rolled by, their endurance was mixed with disenchantment and discouragement and even dispair. Those who had not given their "all" to god before 1975, now had time and money to build a new house, buy a new car, go on yearly vacations. The Truth book and holding Bible studies for no more than 6 months became old light. The all important 5 meetings a week became no more. Going door to door with Bible in hand to give a good "witness" it too became passe.
We were brow beaten. Little children that should have been home asleep ready for school the next day, were dressed like little adults giving talks. We all had to do cold calling on our neighbors and class mates. There was no easy time, No lazying about drinking coffee manning a cart. We had 3 scripture sermons we gave at the door. When the 25 cent Truth book came out we were encourages to show a pretty picture read a scripture from the book, oh give it to the house holder to hold first and then make a quick sale. For WT it was al about sales. Not content.
No one told us that Fred Franz was an egotistical maniac that was also a narcissist. That he was pulling his ideas straight out of his butt. Nathan Knorr loved his high position managing the WT. Being president of a publishing and real estate and investment firm and living in style. Flying first class. Waiters at every meal. Being chauffeured about. Having people adore him. No children. No mortage that he had to worry about. If you are in charge of a religion you don't pay taxes so April 15th was no sweat for him. Nathan's daddy was only the manager of 2 theatres and the family rented for many years. Nathan never went to college and look how far he went swindling people out of their lives and savings all in the name of that great money maker called... religion.
And now in 2017 after WT aka JW..org ruined millions of lives, now they are rewriting WT history.
I am speechless. The Governing Body have to be atheists. The Bible says that God does not like liars. The GB can't have it both ways. Say they are The Truth and lie, lie, lie. They sound more like psychopaths. Psychopaths lie all the time and it does not affect them in the least. They have no conscience.
Loislane just said it all. That is exactly the way it was and these current buck-passing and denial tactics are absolutely disgusting. They must be in cahoots with the USA lying immoral unethical presidency....they are just as egregious in their spoutings.. And they think their lying ways are them being gods spokesmen??? Idiots.
"I was dedicated to Jehovah, not a date." (From the video @ 2:17)
Why would anyone who is really dedicated to Jehovah continue to following an organization that is all about dates, always has been, and has proven itself to be a false prophet over and over again? -
"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end to the world,' even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?...Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them," (Awake, Oct. 8, 1968).
Somehow, if you predict a false date you are a false prophet - unless you are Jehovah's Witnesses. Only in the Watchtower world!
Watch this space, the next "new light" will be abandoning the 1914 date.
I remember running into a bum out in service who talked about Watchtowers 1975 fiasco. The elder I was with quickly blamed that man for leaving the organization because "he put his trust in dates rather than Jehovah." The elder wasn't serving the Borg during the "stay alive till 75" ordeal. Watchtower must have quickly even back then shifted blame to the congregants.
Prepping their audience for another disappointment? He was "dedicated to Jehovah, not a date". What other dates might they rethinking?
So your argument is, they are preparing the flock for disappointment over a date, even before introducing the date?
I shouldn't laugh - they are stupid enough to do it.
It was their freakin' next president who came up with that date!! Sanctioned by the present one when it happened.
Are they insane!!
Another thing that we should not overlook, is that a large number of JWs have very poor memories. They would sooner let the WT tell them what happened in the past, the real history is erased from there minds, it never happened mentality. Then when you do show and prove it did happen using old WT quotes, you get accused of being negative and looking for fault, they now view you as someone marked for not allowing WT to rewrite your memory. So you cant win, even when you do know TTATT. Which WT don't seem to be interested in.