So this video is going to be shown at all the meetings worldwide ? There will be some interesting conversations to be had later Lol .
by pale.emperor 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So this video is going to be shown at all the meetings worldwide ? There will be some interesting conversations to be had later Lol .
Wow, this is despicable.
Are you fucking kidding me? Watchtower must be losing members. I was born in 1975 and I remember the stories my parents told me. They had a calender countdown in their hall. My mother was chastised for being pregnant with me etc etc.
What infuriates me is the down right lies of watchtower '!! And they Want me to go back to them? Yeah right...... I hate them even more now...
"Wow Grandpa, I didn't know you had to endure all that."
The theme is endurance. Endurance through hard times.
It is unbelievable that the ones who remained and "adjusted their thinking" are now being portrayed as the victims who endured through that time of Armageddon hype. Those JWs who adjusted their thinking are now being held up as examples of endurance.
Endurance through hard times. Geez...I wonder what "hard times" the JWs are going through now. Why is being a JW so hard?
The GB leadership whether today or 80 years ago has a lot to answer for; they have indeed ruined a countless number of lives of people who were mostly sincere and believed they were doing God’s will.
Even Jehovah of Jesus would judge these men as "wicked imposters"! They should be scared.
Why is being a JW so hard?
It's a lot to endure when you are constantly suspecting that you're being duped, but too afraid to leave it.
OrphanCrow just what I was thinking. Yes, grandpa endured his wife dying and that is bad but the endurance through armageddon hype is ridiculous and demeans the real emotion attached to his wife's passing.
I feel like the acting in most of their videos is alright but every so often one comes along that is creepy. The bunker videos were creepy and so is this one. The acting is stiff or stilted or something like that. It doesn't sound or look natural.
The listener: "The acting is stiff or stilted or something like that. It doesn't sound or look natural"
What do you expect when the actors are robots? They are pre-programmed robots in their own "normal life".
"Wow Grandpa, I didn't know you had to endure all that."
Endure? What's to endure? A lot of them thought armageddon was gonna happen but it didn't and he apparently knew better than the majority of JWs at the time because he trusted in his trusty green bible. (Which, by the way, had "old light" in it - Jesus is to be worshipped etc).
Nothing to endure there. It's not as if he was a brother in Malawi in 1972 having his hands chopped off and his wife used by a mob in the street or anything. That's endurance.
Going here is dangerous for the Organization, and it may well only compound the problems with their "Armageddon is just around the corner" credibility.
Not being intentionally contrary, I somewhat disagree with this. It is by design that they bring this out, now. It is designed to weed out any and all Dubbies who are smart enough to connect the dots. After they have gotten rid of anyone who remembers and says a word of disagreement about 1975 they will (as someone already mentioned) refer to the "Great Apostasy" of 2017 and praise Jah for the most needed "cleansing" that was accomplished in clearing out faithless ones who only served with dates in mind.