"You will feel your loss about what you loose"
To help with ad hominem. . .I am offended by poor spelling!
by cappytan 27 Replies latest jw friends
"You will feel your loss about what you loose"
To help with ad hominem. . .I am offended by poor spelling!
I find that when a person goes into cult mode, the cult personality is pretty universal, be they JW or Scientologist or some other cult. The cult personality can be pretty vicious. Of course, when it comes from strangers on the internet, I sit back and laugh because they don’t know me. It only hurts when it comes from someone I know.
“The Marvster”: “One thing I love about the youtuber JwFairytale, is he actually makes videos, answering, or mocking these abusive people, or analyzing their ridiculous objections to his video content, hilarious to watch.”
I just watched a couple of YouTube videos by this “JwfairyTale” guy for the first – and last – time. All I can say is, Wow! I don’t know quite what to make of that thing, but his videos could only do us “apostates” a disservice because any JWs could point to that and say, “Wow, look at those crazy apostates! They’re mentally diseased alright, and that one must obviously be demonized to boot,” and rightly so. Now, I wouldn’t be in a position to make any wager on the guy’s mental health, but I would say that a trip to a mental health doctor would definitely be in order. (And fast!)
“Divergent”: “He's a coward. Didn't dare to post a comment where everyone would see it!”
Actually, I’m not really a “coward” so much as I choose to play it safe and cautious in order to not subject my longtime JW parents to any sadness, emotional pain, or shame. As much as I detest the JW cult for its dishonest and harmful policies and practices, I also know that my parents are very good, quality, and basically kind folks. The fence on which I must walk is more of a tightrope, but the real villain here is the WT cult organization, and I wouldn’t want my parents to suffer needlessly on account of it. Emotional blackmail, yes. It’s certainly a test of my unselfish compassion toward my mislead but very loving parents. (My sister and her family, and my aunts – well, that’s another story. We’re not exactly close, so to hell with ’em.)
Actually, I’m not really a “coward” so much as I choose to play it safe and cautious in order to not subject my longtime JW parents to any sadness, emotional pain, or shame. As much as I detest the JW cult for its dishonest and harmful policies and practices, I also know that my parents are very good, quality, and basically kind folks. The fence on which I must walk is more of a tightrope, but the real villain here is the WT cult organization, and I wouldn’t want my parents to suffer needlessly on account of it. Emotional blackmail, yes. It’s certainly a test of my unselfish compassion toward my mislead but very loving parents. (My sister and her family, and my aunts – well, that’s another story. We’re not exactly close, so to hell with ’em.)
This is pretty much irrelevant as the scenario that I'm referring to is an entirely different one. An abusive individual lashes out at the OP, but does not dare to do so by posting a public comment, as he / she well knows that they would get flamed by other users if they do. Hence, the cowardy private hate message. Obviously, you misinterpreted my post
Edit: I just noticed your comment above mine. I wasn't referring to you but rather the person on YouTube who insulted Cappy, that's why I used the term "He's". If it was meant to be for you, then I would have used "You're"