Well, aint that just the shits. I live in Ohio, and any news that I get I will surely pass on.
Congregation Reassignments in Ohio?
by My Name is of No Consequence 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the doubters are correct, then why is the Borg making videos about how to behave when you are reassigned because your KH is gone?
Why the meeting and subsequent leaked video regarding how much they’re gonna make by selling off and rearranging Congregations? The Borg has obviously seen the need to prep the sheeple.
Also, we’ve all seen the new commercial style buildings that can be easily flipped and turned into a Kinkos or CVS.
The Org is trying rebrand in a world that I’m sure the GB never imagined could exist. Now they’re being hammered with lawsuits, social media is a huge factor in reform, and people in general seem to be growing weary of religious buffoonery.
In a world where Cosby, Lauer and O’Reilly get the axe, anything could happen to the GB and their ilk. They are not immune, despite what some believe. Anything could happen.
Let's hope they've only begun dissolving/merging/selling. Would be nice if we had actual figures of halls already sold since 2015 to deduct from the 3,000.
DD said ...
"Also, we’ve all seen the new commercial style buildings that can be easily flipped and turned into a Kinkos or CVS."
Yes. Here in the UK in the list I put in my post on the previous page, the halls being sold in Bath and Bristol are the older valuable listed buildings from the Victorian era - the buildings bought and converted by the earliest congregations in the UK - bought cheaply just after WW2 and now in prime property spots fetching 500K up to £1 million pounds. And this is not the real prime area of London where the old branch is being stripped to pay for Chelmsford and then SOME £££££!
The congregations that are being moved from them intact (as opposed to the ones being dissolved) are being moved out to share 3 or 4 to a hall into the 1980's "quickbuild" halls about five to ten miles away - further in rural areas.
These are much less valuable - may be £100/150K.
No new builds round here. (West of England and South Wales) Just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic but slowly enough to make millions from it.
And of course every dissolved congregations assets go where? Every moved congregations assets go where? LONDON then NEW YORK
When I first came on this forum I would of said that wt has got deep enough pockets to ride out the storm. Now I would say they have got some serious issues with their long term viability. I don't mean this in a nasty way to my father but I hope he dies before this happens as it would just destroy him. Sad but true.
Morph, one counter point. The last Pew survey indicated that the JWs in the US are getting old and continue to skew that way. Sure, you see plenty of young folks at some congregations, but there's a ton of grey hair or no hair out there.
If the doubters are correct, then why is the Borg making videos about how to behave when you are reassigned because your KH is gone?
Db, i appreciate you citing an actual source. Facts we deal with :)
i also quoted DD because the points are not unrelated.
One significant problem for the org that dosent get a lot of press is the lack of guys to handle the “man” designated work. The kh consolidation actually helps with that. Fewer congregations with more people = few men needed.
Yes Morpheus and booting bethelites puts more deluded man power in the boonies too. (At the expense of the London/New York congregations of course)
Hate to be a 'crepe hanger' but way too many brainwashed, delusional, folks will hang on and on and on ad infinitum -- the ole cult will never die, unfortunately, but will continue on with pop-up, Jack in the Box-type flip-fast halls. The gray/bald heads can keep it chuggin' along for their fantasies while, hopefully, the youth will leave to fulfill there dreams. The die-hards would cut out their hearts for the WT. Sad, indeed. Hope I'm wrong, but we can't even verify or ascertain facts re/number of properties sold/financials in US -- much less the world. Reorganizing/restructuring takes a lot of marketing/accounting/legal expertise/time.
freddo - a fair share number of bethelites and retired COs end up in the desert, here, (health reasons I'm told), at the members' expense.
My Name is of No Consequence
I haven't forgot. Once I get the details of the Saturday meeting, I will post them.
Beth Sarim
''freddo - a fair share number of bethelites and retired COs end up in the desert, here, (health reasons I'm told), at the members' expense''
There's been comments from bethelites sent home. Some have commented subtly that they have to ''fend for themselves'' now with the bethel fringe-benefits taken away. They seem to find that ''shift'' into the real world tough. Maybe some of them are ''thinking'', perhaps starting to 'doubt'.