I can't confirm much, due to lack of info, bUT I can confirm that each pub in the affected congos was to get a personal visit, or if not possible, then a call from their field service coordinator, informing them of their new congo assignment. I don't know which specific congos are dissolved or if any KHs are to be sold. It seems rhe local pubs aren't being given the whole picture. ...yet. stay tuned....
Congregation Reassignments in Ohio?
by My Name is of No Consequence 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
''It seems rhe local pubs aren't being given the whole picture. ...yet. stay tuned....''
See. There you go. Lack of transparency. Something is up.
lv101 people can hang on for as long as they want BUT if bethel starts to sell kingdom halls off it will get harder and harder for people to get to any kingdom hall in person
So, these ex-bethelites have to “fend for themselves” now?? Well, so did I - and I was criticized for it. Luckily, I paid NO attention and am retired now.
It is not easy making a living in the world today...I’m sure many ex-bethelites are eating their own unkind words about how “materialistic” and “unspiritual” anybody was who had a full time job!
Good luck to them making their own way in the world!
Beth Sarim
Yes. These ex-bethelites have to ''fend for themselves'' now. There is a youtoube channel called Marcus Vaughn. He gives testimony how he and other bethelites were cast-away unceremoniously having to fend for themselves. Some of the age group 50 plus, when they have actually given as much as 3 decades of service to betHELL.
Hopefully, they'll start to 'doubt' - they're going to see reality one way or the other but whether they can face it --- has to be a tough way to to deal with life. Sad they can't receive some type of unemployment or be considered a displaced worker to help them recover -- receive some type of training for employment and get on their feet.
Needs to be laws to protect these people who took vows of poverty or whatever they do back in betHELL - why can't the gov't get funds out of the cult allowing these throw-aways a specific time period to find a job. Seems the ex-bethelites I knew several yrs. ago were quite responsible and had no issues holding down jobs -- reading couple posts above -- they were young people who left not 50 plus yr. olds -- that's not right what the cult gets away with.
LongHairGal - lol - I understand where you're coming from -- didn't think I'd every feel sorry for any of them but I'm at the point where I feel sorry for the delusional JWs. Takes a lot of empathy when they've been so judgmental and difficult.
My Name is of No Consequence
Ok, so I spoke to my son and he told me that a third congregation will be added to their hall and several congregations will be dissolved and merged in with the three. I'm in the Cleveland suburbs on the west side.
MNIONC -- thanks for info. Seems the Cleveland area is having more closures than any other place (or at least this week) - several to be dissolved! Can't believe they'd tell the members this info.
That’s okay, you are entitled to feel sorry for ex-bethelites if you want..I do not.
They were notorious for callous remarks about everybody and have no regard for people in the workforce. How stupid of them.
The JW religion created monumental problems with their anti-college/career stand and the cruel behavior in the congregations towards people who worked. This cannot be forgotten and I’m NOT interested in the predicament of people there (bethelites or self righteous pioneers) after how I was viewed.
How ironic that now it’s MY turn to run from JWs.
I’m glad I’m not there in the hall to hear appeals for money. They better track down all the people who invited them to those special gatherings and ask THEM for money!
I do agree with you that the religion owes them big time, but not anybody else.
the watchtower have brought their own ruin to them selves.People who dont get good jobs cant give lots of money and people who only work part time to go the carts cant give a great deal of money either.And since 2012 all the watchtower has been doing is cutting back and in 2015 getting steve lett to but a public appeal for money on the monthly broadcast