My Investigation Begins..........

by sandy 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    Hey Sandy,so your investigation begins does it? Good,the sign of a strong mind..Find out for yourself you won`t regret it..AlanF and Farkel have given you some good advice..You are now on a journey you will never forget...OUTLAW

  • onacruse

    Sandy, welcome to the journey. It may be long or short, but it will be challenging. AlanF and Farkel, as well as many others, have blazed trails that are well worth walking.

    Do consider what lulu says:

    At one point it made me ill.

    When I first read COC (in the early 90s), that's exactly what happened to me. I was physically ill, felt like throwing up all over the place. I just couldn't take it: I knew it was true, but I just couldn't take it.

    You may reach a similar point; if you do, don't drop it (like I did). Come back here for the support you need, and which we can offer.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    And must I now begin to doubt,
    Who never doubted all these years?
    My heart is stone and still it trembles
    The world I have known is lost in shadow. -- Javert, Les Miserables

    Yet why did I allow that man
    To touch my soul and teach me love?
    He treated me like any other
    He gave me his trust
    He called me brother
    My life he claims for God above
    Can such things be? -- Jean Valjean, Les Miserables

    Two men confronted by the realization that what they believed was wrong. One man showed courage and embraced life. The other showed cowardice and embraced death.

    You have taken the first step into a larger, and more truthful, world. Good luck.

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