Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution

by dubstepped 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • hothabanero

    Before someone strawman me for the 117th time: I don't say evolution cannot explain thought in principle. I don't say thought proves evolution wrong. I say evolution RIGHT NOW don't explain the origin of thought well.

    And that ain't my opinion but the evolution of actual biologists who have done the hard work.

    (and now I bet someone will go: "herp-derp, that was never in dispute". In which case I ask: Why was my post controversial to begin with)

  • dubstepped

    Oh dear baby Jesus I'll believe in creationism again if it will make this hot peppery mess stop patting himself on the back. Or maybe this is a great test for evolution, to see if humans can actually grow an appendage for just that thing over time. I think we might have the start here on this thread.

  • hothabanero

    @dubstepped: feeling salty mate? easy fix: go to youtube and look at a Nicki Minaj video with the sound off.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Sorry you got jumped on there HH and accused of being a Creationist. It seems a lot of people are very testy about evolution on this site.

    That being said, I don't understand why you think evolution should explain the origin of thought. I mean atomic theory doesn't explain the origin of protons or electrons. But that doesn't mean the theory is incomplete.

  • hothabanero

    @Coded Logic:

    I don't understand why you think evolution should explain the origin of thought.

    You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Question from Hot Habanero:

    You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?

    I doubt that anyone can technically explain the origin of thought or sentience. But, as an essential characteristic of the various species, it certainly indicates that a designer was involved in getting all of the components of "life" in their proper places.

    While we presently are inclined to follow the belief systems (or religions) which we find agreeable to our heart condition, one day future we shall know all. Whether we discover it all through Scientific Process or whether it is revealed by those above us who know; the secrets will be shared with all who seek Truth. As a matter of fact, the numbers of Scientists who believe a Creator with immense knowledge has put life on Earth is slowly growing. It is important to examine all of the evidence. To leave no stone un-turned. Do not disregard any evidence which seems to cast doubt upon our wishes and biases.

  • hothabanero

    hey @Navy, appreciate your input and your congentiality, but you better don your flame retarding suit if your gonna raise questions about evolution on this thread ;-) .

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Quote from Drive By:

    I was referring to religions that are harmful. I would go into it in more detail but that would be drifting too far from the thread which was about asking cofty to explain evolution.

    I agree whole-heartedly.

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Quote from TD:

    Evolutionary theory is an attempt to explain this phenomenon, but it is not perfect and it is not complete. But this acknowledgement is not quite the same thing as saying the phenomenon itself doesn't exist. Or that it even remotely resembles the creation model.

    I wonder if the "Creation Model" is an accurate depiction. The geologic fossil "record" indicates that there have been numerous extinction events followed by explosions of new life forms as Earth conditions changed in our distant past. That may (and I tend to believe it is) be the correct Creation Model: various types of "creatures" were brought into existence at those times in Earths' development when they could contribute most to what was needed to be done. They had a necessary job to do within their time-frame while gradually making Earth and its atmosphere into what it eventually became at the advent of Man.

    A well planned "Creation" would be designed to accomplish specific functions and to either adapt or be replaced by new species as conditions gradually progressed towards the end goal.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?
    No. Of course not. That is very much in the realm of the cognitive sciences. Not in the umbrella of genetic mutations or selections process.
    Evolution says nothing more about "thought" than it does any other aspect of our physiology - that is to say that it is "useful". Having legs is useful. Feet allows us to get around while foraging for food or running from predators or finding mates - etc. Likewise, the ability to process information is "useful". Creatures that can understand and make sense of their environments have a distinct survival advantage. Other than that - why should evolution explain the "origins" of thought (whatever the hell that means). Evolution may explain "why" we have thought. But it's absurd to think that it should explain what thought is.

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