You're going to fall for his crap, aren't you? You're going to marry a wannabe stalker that is also a wannabe cultist, aren't you? You're still asking questions, aren't you? You get what you deserve. You were warned.
Is he interested?
by Sunnybear 111 Replies latest social relationships
So there are a few issues here.
He grew up a witness which means in maturity he will be way behind other men of his own age - proof is the hour long crying show.
His family obviously want him to get baptized and he is under pressure to do what he is told.
He wants you in his life but that will only be allowed if you become a JW.
The fact that he had sex with you is a big problem which is only tolerated by his mother due to the fact that he cannot be excommunicated at this point because he is not baptized.
You will forever be a reminder of his error and trigger of guilt for him and therefore this relationship cannot last.
You DO NOT want to be a JW.
Your only course of action is to end it unless you love him enough to give up your entire way of life and become a good house wife, a yes woman, in subjection to this immature man as your head, giving up your own family and friends and never again make a decision without asking what "the organization" has to say on the matter.
I've said it before, I say it again - run away, change your number and be happy, single and free.
Holden Caufield
Yeah Let him go there are better men out there.
You're going to fall for his crap, aren't you? You're going to marry a wannabe stalker that is also a wannabe cultist, aren't you? You're still asking questions, aren't you? You get what you deserve. You were warned.Yes she is. That was pretty clear in her original post.
The saying playing with fire and you get burned applys 100% in this instance.No point in saying good luck because we already know the out come.The writing is on the wall.
I tried to end it with him on Friday and he cried for an hour. I have not spoken to him since then. I want to end it, but I am afraid he might cause trouble (show up to my house or show up to my job and cause trouble). I certainly don't want any trouble at work!
Can I call the police if he just shows up to my house or job?
I think maybe I need to slowly back away from the situation. See him less. Text him less. Maybe fill up more of my time with other friends and get "busy" so I have excuses not to see him for a while.
If I block his number and he finds out, he might show up to my job and cause drama. (I work a few miles away from where he lives and I work with kids so I really don't want trouble at work).
I really don't want him to show up at my house and cause drama. I live in a condo. Most of my neighbors are retired and nosy and will get into my business.
I have no interest in becoming JW after reading all of the replies on this forum. I am kind of curious about why they believe what they believe for academic reasons and so I know how to behave if I ever meet another JW.
Ending this with him is difficult because I do care about him, and he has been part of my life for 6 months. It's hard to walk away from something, even if it was unhealthy overnight...
As it seems your starting to figure out, he has some deep issues, even outside of the religion. I dont even think he fully understand what he wants, which is scary. He seems delusional.
So now its not about the sex, or being your boyfriend, he just wants to be bff's for life. So what happens to you all's friendship when he finds a suitable JW mate?
Once he is baptized, your friendship will be frowned upon because you are considered "wordly", and that's a no no, especially with the opposite sex.
What happened to make him fall out of love with his ex girlfriend of 5 years? And it seems he was hurt because they didn't remain friends?? Well that's not the real world there are no guarantees that you will remain friends with your ex.
Another thing, I have a family member that's not baptized and dating a non JW. He respects her and is not expecting her to convert in order for their relationship to move forward. He stop practicing the JW religion (probably because he knows he not following JW rules at the moment), I'm not sure if he'll return if they get married. But the point is he seems to see things for what they are and they both respect each other's religious preference.
Your guy is already pushing the boundaries of the religion...he could very well move forward with you and even eventually marry you (it would be frowned upon like every other thing he is doing, but he wouldn't be the first or last to have done this) but it seems for whatever reason it's not worth it for him. He's definitely coming off unbalanced... start backing away.
Oh as to your question of if you can call the police if he shows up to your home or should probably be proactive and check with the local authority to find out what options you have.
I would think you might need to show some type of communication that you made it clear to him that you want no further contact... to show police and courts that he is harrassing/stalking you.
think maybe I need to slowly back away from the situation. See him less. Text him less
There is no need to go 'slowly' about it. If you have told him to back off, then you need to ensure cutoff of all further contact and do not respond to calls, texts or further meetups.
You can't control if he will or won't comply with your demands. This is not a request but is a demand. If he continues to pursue contact, then I expect you will have grounds for a Restraining or No-Contact order whereas if you continue to give-in to him, then that will show you are not serious that you want no further contact with him.
Lett The Shunning Begin
And the wheel goes 'round and 'round for another 100 posts.......