How many years passed before you found an EXJW to exchange thoughts? Or did one of your family members wake up with you?
Actually I was the first to leave in my family and I did so quietly.
The person who might have queried my own investigation was actually a well respected elder who came back after serving in Bethel and as a special pioneer. He was still a JWS at the time but I guess he too was starting to fade out. His comment was something like " aww its just a publishing house that might be a bit deceiving. I still remember that occasion to this day some 40 years ago.
As to talking to an ex-jws about specific doctrines and so forth that might not have happened decades after.
When I did depart I did so completely with no connection to any previous JWS friends.
Oh I should mention that I was taken aside by an elder one day, who informed me my hair was too long for giving talks or going out in service. It was not even an inch over my ears, it was the the 70's when long hair was in fashion for men, particularly teenagers. Being that some of the elders in the Hall had long side burns and mustaches which was fashionable too at the time I thought it was a bit hypocritical.
Around this time as well I had talked to that elder that I mentioned and the ball of inquisitiveness started to roll.
Today people have it much easier to gather information about the JWS and formulate their own opinions.