I know this sounds like a stupid question. We haven't attended a meeting in almost a year. About 5 months ago they sent us a registered letter saying they wanted to meet with my husband and I and discuss charges of apostasy. I called them and said the date they picked wasn't good for us. We then mailed them a legal like letter saying we refuted the charges of apostacy and that we just wanted to be left alone. We said if they made any public annoucements they would hear from our attorney and charge them with defamation of character. So they have not contacted us, but we live in a small town and do run into people. Everyone I've run into will not talk to me if I say Hi they just turn away. This makes me think they df'd us or da'd us. Can they do that without telling you? My dad lives around 20 miles away and he says that noone has said anything to him. He is in our circuit. How can I find out? I don't want to call them because that might stir things up and they have left us alone. I just want to know because if I do run into certain individuals I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable by saying Hi when they can't say Hi back and I don't want to be rude and not say Hi.
Can they announce that you are df'd or da'd without telling you?
by lv4fer 21 Replies latest jw friends
A Paduan
Do you think that a pack of untrusting, fearful, end of the world conspiracy theory, self-righteous, blind, nasty, nutjobs would actually say something behind your back if you threatened them.
I doubt it very much.
Hi, lv4fer & Welcome!!
I dont know if they can do that...but I know that's their way to treat people when they are inactive..remember.. "you are bad association for them"
Sorry,,,,I have no idea why I said welcome,....but...WELCOME..
lol @ layla & welcome layla
Lv4fer, I doubt they have announced it from the KH platform since they would be scared of your legal letter, however I'll bet my bottom dollar that it was mentioned in the Tuesday night bookstudy in a casual way in order for it to be spread around quickly. Alternatively it could be possible that they have mentioned to others that they havent dis'd you but YOU have disd yourself by your actions.
If you really want to know approach the next JW that you see and ask them point blank why they are shunning you since you havent been Disd or Diffd. The will soon correct you if you are wrong.
Nathan Natas
To answer your question, yes they can.
YES!!! They definitely can do that without telling you. Especially if you have asked them to leave you alone. They do..............leave you alone, that is.
My niece had just that happen to her. She sent a letter saying she wanted to be left alone, and no announcements were to be made.............and she had her attorney go over the letter and clarify a few things. She found out a few months after that they announced she had da'd herself. The letter itself is a statement of disassociation, to them.
Dad was the PO and city overseer in our town and they sent him certified mail to attend a meeting, he called and talked to the chairman and wanted to rescedule the meeting being as we were out of town (this was on a mon) the elder said ok. Then I found out on thursday from a friend that dad had been announced as DF'd on Tues night.
He never met with anyone, hadn't actually refused to meet with them, and they df'd him in abstenita.
Three months later mom and I were announced and we heard from someone out of state a few days later even though the elders PROMISED they would let us know before it was announced!!! (that was the smallest of their pack of lies).
Well these bullies can and do this without your permission.
As we have found out, if these people call you on the phone , a third party (unbeknown to you) is listening in to the conversation, so this is taken by the body of elders as a second witness to what you thought was a private didcussion.
My husband did not write a letter, but he was disassociated, but by association with my husband I also get ignored in the street... fickle friends these JWs....
But hey, my own mother will not even speak to me now, so what does that tell you, just because I tried to put across a couple of relevant thoughts regarding the Jws, she saw it as apostasy, and now my own family ignore me, along with the family of my husband.
What you should do, is say a BIG Hello to these people,and see if you get a reply. But the best way around this is to speak to an elder and see what has to be said. So at least you are certain then without any doubts.
Wishing you well
Mr and Mrs Nightwarrior
lv4fer Yup. They did it to wife and I.
You said
I just want to know because if I do run into certain individuals I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable by saying Hi when they can't say Hi back and I don't want to be rude and not say Hi.
You are too kind. I would not let that thought bother you. Always act like nothing has happened. You'll get the feeling soon enuf, as to whether " They Know about You ". And even if that is the case, I would still continue to be friendly and cordial towards them. Scares the bejesus out of them .
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